Monday 9 January 2017

Joined the Marathon

Now that we have closed down Double A to allow for more exciting things to happen (Ok, this so deserves a dedicated post!), Aiman and I suddenly had extra time when the new year started. So as what a normal human being with extra time would usually do- we had a Netflix marathon (did you really think I joined a running Marathon?) and oh my god it FELT SO D*** GOOD!

I guess the both of us have been working two jobs ever since we got married 2 years ago and never had that little extra time to really enjoy the extra time, if you get what I mean. I'm even watching Gilmore Girls back from Season 1! With a lot of visits to the pantry for snacks and coke and vitagen and then super ring and lays. Is this what weekend feels like? Hahaha so jakun!

But...I guess God knew us too well though, first weekend into the new year I had to go back to the office to work. The best part though was because we now have that little extra time, so Aiman waited for me to finish work so we could head for tea time after at a nearby cafe :)

Oh little blessings in life. Alhamdulillah for everything! Imma happy girl :)))))

1 comment:

E`n1x said...

awwww will you be reopening Double A in the future?