Monday, 24 December 2012

Day 120 - Don't quite get it

Sometimes, some things are just taken for granted if it doesn't really bother you. May involve you, but doesn't really get on your nerves. Perhaps on someone else's more than yourself. So you don't really care.

...and then some things may be significantly important to you but not another person - but this other person is highly involved in it. And then there's that person who just wants things their way without taking into consideration if its of any inconvenience to others. Doesn't really kill you, but it frustrates you trying to understand how these people have the heart to bulldoze their way through. Then you start thinking, "whoa! This other person can be quite into themselves just as long as they are happy with what and how they want things to be, the rest don't really matter"

Lately, I've been surrounded by some rather insensitive kinda people one too many times. Not one person, but a few of the-world-revolves-around-me peeps in fact! Too often for my liking in fact. Maybe because I'm naturally a happy person who cannot be bothered with people who cannot see other people happy. 

Oh well :) 

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