Saturday, 12 January 2013

Shoe bearer's mission: ACCOMPLISHED - Day 139

Remember this?

Sworn to secrecy.

The day I followed Nona for her shoe fitting, there was no size initially. So, the next emergency thing to do was to customize. 4 weeks before the wedding. Crazy things girls do for beautiful shoes! So, because she had to be back in Malaysia to handle the wedding preparations, I was assigned to collect it from Aruna Seth when it was ready, fly home and deliver them in time for Nona's solemnization night! Imagine how stressed I was! The shoes were too pretty for me to handle them, but I was told to keep it low at that time.

Honoured. and pressured. Both at the same time.

How can a bride-to-be trust another person to bring back their wedding shoes?! Even I was half trusting myself. Hahahaha! What if my flight was delayed? Or my exams were postponed. What if someone followed me back whilst I was on the way back home from the collection place? Haha! Nona was not scared of any of them!


Well, I managed to collect it before my flight, in between exams and getting lost looking for the hotel. Got it up the plane safely and delivered it to Nona 2 nights before her wedding.

They were gorgeous, MasyaAllah!
I had goosebumps holding them :)
Shot taken for Astro's Raikan Cinta.
(I had one hell of a fun time doing interviews in malay alright :P)


Izyan said...

(I had one hell of a fun time doing interviews in malay alright :P)

kenapa? awak tak pandai cakap melayu ke?

Alia Ishak said...

Boleh :) Cuma bila kena cakap guna tatabahasa yang betul (dan bukan bahasa pasar yang kita cakap hari hari), kekok sikit :) Macam tulis karangan dalam peperiksaan pulak bunyi dia