Thursday, 11 July 2013

New baby girl Fidessa - Day 321

There is nothing more that I hated in school than software/programming subjects. It’s hate with a capital H just for your information.


Trust me, I’ve tried my very best to fall in love with them and make friends, but there’s just no chemistry between us. I speak English, but they respond in minion-like-language filled with codes. Every, single, time. Funnily I’m dating a super software geek, but don’t tell me to learn from him. He…doesn’t take my hate towards these software magicals seriously.

Now that I’m done with Final exams, I’m just over the moon about not having to make up and be friends with these softwares anymore. Until I got into office and my boss introduced me to a new girl called…


She’s that famous, she made it into the Wikipedia page you know. First thing I did was to find out more about this gorgeous-name beauty. Let's come clean, I only know the Bloomberg. Never knew the existence of Fidessa. According to Wikipedia, Fidessa provides SOFTWARE (who?!) and services such as trading systems to clients in the financial services sector.

Yeah, we play with colours a lot on this one (apart from the usual suspects:numbers)
Sorry, did I mention that I am in love with softwares? I love Fidessa. I really really do. Fidessa is my besttttttest friend.

*pulls hair*

On a brighter note, I was told that if I keep on doing the transaction and practising, it'll start talking to me like a true friend would do. *Phew*

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