Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Seeking knowledge

I find myself very blessed to have someone so knowledgeable close to me. Aiman is one I can ask when I need to know something, or when I get confused. Especially on agama (Islam).

We're both nowhere close to being a perfect Muslim, no doubt. I find comfort in knowing that he is always ready to explain (what he knows) to me things I do not understand or things that I question about. Albeit his (sometimes) frustration as to why we were never made to understand fully about certain things in school, I have to say he has a lot of patience when it comes to me. Well, he does challenge and shoot me down sometimes, but only because that way I'd remember it, or so he says bahahaha! :)

He's not an easy teacher this one. I have to always think before I ask him something, although he reassures me all the time that I can throw any questions to him anytime. Today I asked him about specific acts we do when performing salah and he explained it to me.

That aside, he's always reminding me to always understand the content of the Al Quran and not read it blindly. To be careful not to recite and (blindly) memorize and along the way miss out on the point and gist of the surahs. Sometimes we forget, and because our tongue is used to it, we can swiftly recite the ayat/surah, only because we've memorized it. Using the wrong tajwid may lead to you rephrasing the ayat and subsequently changing the meaning of it all.

Aiman downloaded the Quran app on my iPad and it has become a habit for me to always read the english translation next to the surah. Not sure if its advisable, but sometimes, I read the translation like a storybook (without realizing it) before falling asleep (guilty face). Most times, I leave the Quran app to play throughout the night until I wake up. It's very comforting :)

To me, age does not matter. You could be asking the right or wrong question at any ages at all. It's better late than never when it comes to seeking knowledge and doing the right thing, don't you agree? :) For now, I'm just grateful I have someone as close as my best friend to discuss about anything under the sun, who tells me that the best books to learn and understand about basics would be children's books.

Made me even happier when I went up to him one day and asked:

"Could you please imam-kan (lead) all our prayers in the future?"

and without any hesitation he said

"Of course!"


InsyaAllah, Amin, Bless this very intelligent boy! We are far from perfect, hence may Allah SWT continue to bless us with an open heart to learn more about our religion everyday. Yums :)


Unknown said...

Hi Alia, just read your blog and came across this entry. I think it is interesting to know that you read the Quran like a storybook. Plus, Quran is 'our' book. I think when we read it like that ( with the translation), it'll be more fun like that :)

Alia Ishak said...

Sarah Iman: It is indeed much more fun since I understand what I read, nonetheless, i still recite the Quran in arabic :) Thanks for dropping by to read my blog (eventhough they're quite filled with nonsense most of the time!)

Selamat Hari Raya!