Monday, 5 August 2013

Taken for granted needs No Distance

I've always believed that people who would take you for granted (in any possible-even-smallest way) would always be the people closest to you. Up until today, I cannot quite understand the rocket-science of it all. Well probably apart from the fact that because they're close to you, they think that whatever they do and however they comment/annoy/say to you, you'd be ok with it. I mean because you're that close to understand it all right?

It's pretty clear how some are done intentionally whilst some are not. 

People who say or do things without thinking first and afterwards saying sorry (or perhaps not feel sorry at all, coz they think they're God-like like that or they know you're kind enough to understand and let them be).
A hundred times, I'm quite ok to tolerate, but if it's every single time.

My take, don't take for granted people close to you. They should be the person you care for the most and although what they do/say may not be as exciting as whatever someone-else-not-as-close do, you know that whatever happens, these people close to you would have your back at all times.

I've had my share of people making unthinkable comments my way and people close to me taking me well for granted. But it gives me no reason to do the same to them. I say if they aren't your direct family members, then you have no obligation to stick through, no matter how close. Tolerate and treat with kindness as much as you can, and when you have reached your limit, these people do not deserve your kindness anymore :)

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