The office before Twitter IPO went live on the stock exchange...
"Do you tweet? Read tweet? A tweet? Hahaha!" (Ok I didn't get the joke)
"What do you think of Twitter (stock code: TWTR)?"
"I say... long it, a good stock. I think it's a good buy (if you have the money)..."
It spiked up to 80% higher within minutes of its debut!! Shizzle manizzle baby! We were having this disccusion about tweeters (people who tweets) that get excited when being retweeted back by a celebrity or someone prominent.
My boss turned to our colleague and said "F***!!! I bet you, it's trending on Twitter now. All you got to do is a have Alia as your broker, she said long". Of course he meant that as a joke, I don't have the proper skill believe me.
I've always wondered if I'd make a good broker. Honestly? I don't think so. I love playing pick and guess and making calls, but I don't think I'll ever get sleep if I make a wrong call even if it's not the end of the world. I will feel bad!
If I longed the wrong call for example, I'd probably wait for it to breakeven or I might actually just find a way to hedge that position (whilst making more wrong calls along the way), and until the position is covered only then I'll get some sleep. Maybe. I'm not surprised if I do go up to the Investors and profusely apologize even. Haha!
Gosh, I love working where I am right now :) ...Although I don't plan to sit for that licensing exam when I get back to KL.
Disclaimer: Whatever comments I make on market or stock, they're all my personal independent view/guess. I do not represent the firm or anyone in anyway, at all.
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