Sunday, 8 December 2013

Putting others first

Last week was a week when I felt different parts of the world were tested. Office came out with alert on Bangkok's situation and our non-Thai colleagues were flown back to respective countries. Then we had similar situations, part of England was hit by one of the worst flash flood, and so was my fellow Malaysians back at home. Lives turned upside down for some people and they were left with nothing in a blink of an eye.

It breaks my heart reading about it.

I cannot even begin to imagine how I'd feel if I were in those situations, let alone what they are feeling and battling for right now. Amazingly, there is always the kindness in everyone that automatically comes out when our fellow people need help. I watched from afar the effort put in to transport food and clothes to those affected back at home, the initiative from friends and family members to initiate donation drives and the security that tightens over here and in Bangkok. Bless these people who put others first.

Over the weekend, it made me smile as I witnessed my cousin go around collecting donations from family members and friends, to personally deliver it to people back in Kuantan, Pahang. She was packing and boxing up pampers, water, clothes, rice and even booked a carrier to transport the goods and travel with her. At the same time, she updates us about her journey on the way there and sounded genuinely happy going into the danger zone to help those in need. MasyaAllah, bless her, may Allah continue to protect her and her team.

I cried watching every step of it. It's overwhelming to watch such efforts put in. We may seem like a little too-multiracial a country, but to watch everyone put aside all differences to just go back to basics and help each other reminds me that at the end of the day we don't quite need superpower policies to get everyone together as one, it's the bigger things that matter :)

Stay safe everyone!

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