Thursday, 20 February 2014

Debit Card won't buy you vitagen

Since I came back to KL, I have not gotten away from the habit of holding a debit card. So sometimes, I could go out cashless and I’d have trouble making purchases. It’s quite annoying. I just love the idea of holding just a piece of card when going out instead of a bulky purse to lug around.

In Malaysia, the awareness about debit cards is not yet as great as the UK. Of course I know I’m not comparing apple to apple here, but because of that, not many people have a debit card or even know how it works. I on the other hand am just so forgetful and lazy. I hate holding much cash for a start, and I’m always very lazy to walk all the way to the ATM eventhough withdrawing cash takes only 2 minutes.
I have my Vitagen days every(other day) week when I would walk over to 7 Eleven to grab a few bottles of Vitagens whilst at the same time accompany my colleague for his Starbucks fix. The other day was one of those forgetful days when I casually skipped out just with my Debit card and was stuck at the counter when I had to make payments. For the love of Vitagen, I had to turn to my colleague for money! Lol!

No. No one cancels a transaction for Vitagens please. Even if it means that the queue was just building up longer behind you because you were waiting for someone to pay off your Vitagen for you :P 

These days, if I don't get my Vitagens in the morning, it just magically appears on my table because my colleagues get them on the way!! Sometimes I think I've just been so lucky that I always get great colleagues whichever offices I go to. Sigh, I know, I have awesome colleagues :))

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