I think I saw the amount of time required for this new job, but my body didn't.
I have to be honest, it's a lot of hard work but although my body is tired, I'm actually really enjoying this new experience I'm getting. It's a whole different game altogether - what you are required to know, what sort of economic and banking knowledge you should have top of your head and the level of ad-hoc activity you are needed to be ready for. It's like a combination of Networking + Download of Banking knowledge on a whole new level (if you get what I mean)!
Over the weekend, we had a gathering for all our leaders and I've never felt so so thankful and privileged to be able to communicate with regional leaders from my very own firm. They had so much to share - from valuable experience to what I should look out for in order to make the most out of my career. Sit with your leaders when you can and be open with your questions, believe me it's one of life's greatest experience you could ever ask for!
I left the place feeling so grateful and what made a great working weekend an even better one was when I headed out to join my Equities and Coverage guys to prepare for Invest Malaysia the next day. It's amazing just working alongside my very awesome colleagues who never fail to teach me something new every single day, bless them!
On top of the new job, there's the wedding preparation (haha! Actually I'm not doing anything about it just yet apart from little errands on and off) and YCM that I am continuously learning from and finding ways to make it more connected with the corporate world. My body feels like it's running a non-stop marathon, and it's nowhere close to stopping. The adrenaline rush, the new job requirement and the priceless takeaway, it's an amazing feeling! Alhamdulillah :)

Nothing beats waking up excited to go to work everyday, feeling just right and comfortable around your colleagues. It's like a little family of colleagues in the office, and it feels...nice :))))
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