Friday, 1 August 2008

Melbie + Best Friend = Happy Me

26th JULY 2008:

It's July 26th today! From three and half months countdown to just another 36 more days to go before I get to see this amazing girl in Melbourne! :)

We've been counting the days since the beginning of May and now, I'm leaving next month! Can't wait to see your new place sweets!!! Thanks for bringing me around your new crib before Zamir and Zarif came. I'll be the first even before Abang Zarof, Kak Sharmin and Zariq, at least I think so, since Zariq obviously cannot take leave :)

That skyping about for an hour with the webcam was just so you, you whacko confused little child! I had a lot of fun skyping with you and your mummy from under the table ( HAHAHA! ) and you talking to my mum from all the way through the laptop on the table! haha! My mum was saying "you and your cheekiness"

Love you big time Shura Fazlina Shukor :)

1 comment:

S said...

hey pretty mama,
YOU ARE SOOO CUTE! hehe, i cant wait to, actually i have class now and i'm suppose to leave now. but since i really miss you and thats more important than class, therefore i am here to comment on your blog. i really cant wait babes. u know buka puasa cooking. fun road trips and all.. weeeehoooooo!!!! boooyakasyaaaa! hahahhaa. so motivated now and you've seriously made my morning. i dont know if youre interested but we can watch a play if you want. it might be a lil 'mim-ha-lam'. but up to you k! i'm all up for it! love you loads.