Friday, 12 September 2008


Victoria, Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne was just AMAZINGLY GREAT! It was something fresh and it was so different from London :)

The minute Shura shouted my name at the airport, it all felt so surreal. As it is, it must have been my lucky day that the whole journey took a shorter time and I arrived earlier than scheduled. And Zamir had actually checked the time and woke up earlier to come to the was like a dream that I was in Melbourne.

Once in KTJ, we made a promise to visit each other in London and Melbourne before we graduate...and I'm done :)

This is by far the best time of my summer. A trip so surreal but real... Thanks for the amazingly great and excellent time my dear Shura Fazlina Shukor :) Alia love you always and forever :) Am I not a lucky girl? The best set of parents and the best set of friends around :)

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