Monday, 1 June 2009

Final Year

I'm not the only one who is countable months away from home for a long period, but so is Abang and Kak Azura. This would be their final year in the UK after being here for the past 18 years.PETRONAS has finally called them back. From A levels, to a medicine degree, and now successful doctors in Ireland. Both of them :) Amazing aren't they? 

So we made it a point to spend our last summer here together, hence the traveling and camping in France and making the most out of this year's summer. For the past three years I've been visiting them. From the time there was just Sofi, till now when there's Baby Re,  I won't get any less of them either, coz they're coming home with me! Yay! Can't wait to go for a holiday with them now. Yippedeedoo!

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