Saturday 3 October 2009

Ajjrina believes in the good of others. So do I :)

but....sometimes, it just annoys me to the brim to witness how people cannot either see another person happy or contented, or just can't be happy for another. Seriously. At the same time that they cannot or choose not to be happy for you, they want to know everything about that 'happy' story. Pffft.

If they had a problem with it, why can't they just table it out and say it from the beginning. Instead some would prefer to choose to rub it in to make one feel so annoyed, one just decides to shut. Funny option to go for and at those times, given the circumstances, yup, consequences need to be weight. Especially when the whole world just don't seem to be watching that same play as you are.

I just don't understand the concept of "I feel this way, and I'd EXPECT you to know it, without me having to say anything" these days.

1 comment:

Toots said...

Mannn i just realized this!!! LOL.

And for some reason, I can relate easily to this post too :)

Here's to honest, genuine friendships!