Sunday 28 August 2011

Raya Mode : ON

I know I am working tomorrow. Yes, I am working!

Full circle of work to go through. What more, it's end of the month so, many things to finalize and Singapore's not on a long leave like us, so, hello deals! I don't think I will even remember that it's a day before raya when I step foot in the office tomorrow.

But for what it's worth, right now, I am feeling the raya vibes already baby! and it's sleepover at Shura's tonight! There goes my sleeping time, I don't think we'll be sleeping =)

Selamat Hari Raya everyone! Maaf Zahir & Batin =)

1 comment:

anis nabila said...

Oh my! You and your brother are so close and so cute! Btw, I've been your silent reader for all this time. Just dropping by to say 'Hi'... :)