Wednesday 7 September 2011

Running out of (single) days!

No. I'm not getting married.

You (obviously) know that your best friend is getting married in a few months time. What you forgot was, her Hen’s night is in a few days time instead of months.

What do you do? Panic first. Faint second. Calm down later. And then start planning.

Rewind to a few days back when Shu just got back and I was practically living in her house, having family dinners and watching football matches with her parents,  niece, nephews, siblings and siblings’ other half. It’s still so very clear to me when she told me “Babes, my Hen’s night is on the 4th k”. “Mmmkay”…before I fell asleep.

Because work was overtaking my life for a moment, Raya day was the only time when I had a moment to redigest all information mentioned to me in the past including Kim’s messages about the plans she had started with and the Hotel that Shura has liaised with (My god, such a Dory I am, I swear!). Thank god for Kimmeyh and mind you, Kim was still in Melbourne at that time and was only flying in back to Malaysia on Hen’s night day! So then it hit me that hey! “Shu’s hen’s night is this weekend!”

*faints for the second time*

By this time, when I mentioned it to Shura, she was going all “What the hell babes?!” haha! She never scolds me, she just goes “OI!” most of the time and that’s her marah for me :P Thank god for a very understanding best friend. But when she marah someone, I’d rather stay out of it. Or even when she gets all protective over me, even I’d want to stay out of it! Lol :)

Thank god for technology too, Kim and I managed to plan through the genius invention of that lil thing called Blackberry. You should see the communication chaos that we had to go through and persuading Shura to just trust us and go play far away!

Event planner
Meet up with Zamir for a lil strategy planning (when Shu was out of KL)
High tea
Magic pens
Theme colour
Pretty papers
Guest list
Message board
Pictures to print
Customized cake/cupcakes

At one point, I was so sleepy whilst running these errands, I had to ask Aiman for happy jokes to wake me up. But…he was happily stocking up on raya food at open houses, so no, I did not wake up. And Kimmy, she fell sick on the way and was already spring cleaning the shopping mall, dragging those feet of hers around whilst I try to get her to hurry up!

4 days of intense planning, we both crashed even before the event started.

But you know what was worth it? Seeing lil miss best friend smile so wide, the rest of the girls had the most fun laughing hard throughout the night and knowing that her fiancĂ©e was super happy too (yes, I was updating Zamir every half an hour?). So much so that the next morning automatically, Zam’s first question was “so, what have you girls got planned this morning?”… 

“Well…last time I checked, I’m watching this market crash in the office whilst the rest were still sleeping when I left!” LOL!

It was an excellent day, with one of the best companies I could ever ask for, being surrounded by happy people, happy vibes and especially my favourite person, my best friend. It was a perfect Hen's night!

Like we’ve been saying it from the beginning, to my favourite couple, the gorgeous most perfect one, JOM GET MARRIED! Countdown till the big day. After the big day, we’ve agreed that nothing will change, and that just means that sleepovers will involve the three of us!

Congratulations Shura & Zamir! Have always and will forever love you both!!

Stay tuned for a photo post soon! This post is long enough, I'll hold the photos for now :)

1 comment:


Sending so much love, hugs and rainbows to my shumalia! xoxo