Wednesday 8 August 2012

Perfect escapade

As a little girl, I've always had those moments when I jump up instantly when I hear the 'paddle pop' song from the ice cream truck. Don't even start with the happy faces! Ice cream has always been a comfort food for me, especially Milo ice creams. They're the bomb!

In honour of our Olympians for their determination and effort, Media Prima and Baskin Robins are collaborating to give out free ice cream tonight! I have a feeling, it's gonna be another night when attendance at the mosque is a little low than usual. What with the queue. Nonetheless, indirectly it's a celebration for our anak bangsa Malaysia for their stupendous efforts, they were amazingly amazing! Super proud watching them carry Malaysia's name at the olympics!

I so want the ice cream, but Ramadhan only comes once a year, I think Baskin can wait. Though right now, all I can think of is to have the perfect partner to experience the perfect things-I-wanna-do-before-I-die moment and explore this Top 10 Places To Eat Ice Cream  one day! 

Ok, don't fantasize too much, nanti batal puasa, makruh. 


Sophia Aliza said...

Salam Alia! I've been reading your blog for quite a while now. It is very interesting and I love how you are patriotic about Malaysia, always happy and dynamic about many aspects of your life, especially your work. It's really encouraging to see someone very positive about her job. I'm still a student, but I hope that one day when I start work (lama lagi haha), I will adapt that same energy and mentality! Selamat berpuasa to you!:) And have a blessed Ramadhan.

Alia Ishak said...

Waalaikumsalam Sophia :)
Thank you for the kind words! I'm sure one day, you'll share the same feeling if not greater, InsyaAllah :) For now, enjoy your student life and make the most out of it! I'll be joining you on the same boat soon enough.

Selamat berpuasa to you too sweetie! x