Saturday 27 October 2012

Raya Haji in London Day 62

So stubborn. I cooked wearing a white cardigan and even after multiple pleads from Su to go upstairs and change, I refused. Can you imagine, to walk up the stairs, through the cold, just to change into a black t shirt so that I can not stress out if the oil spills on me? 

Yes, the temperature has dropped now! Like tremendously. It's icy cold and there were frosts at night! Sejuk nya lah please! Oh well, that still did not stop us from cooking a whole load of food to bring Raya to London :) 
It was a really good Raya Haji, Alhamdulillah :):)
YiingRen's Malaysian, but he ate like he has never tried Malaysian food before! and Paul, I always just forget that he is Singaporean, coz we've sort of Malaysianized him. The two smarty pants in class...who is FOREVER late! Too funny! 
 Our new happy member in the house, Sya has permanently become our housemate, she knows the house inside out! Just love having her around to test our food once we've finished cooking :) And Jamie and Maria? They loved the rendang, but of course they got a shock at how much 'santan' we actually used in all our food, they decided to go home and jog!! Judgemental people, pfft.
With this amazing beautiful girl, who has managed to convert me to love everything about Thailand, especially her Thai Salad! Pak and Jo Yee decided to make banoffee pie for the open house, which I attacked almost immediately :):):)
 With my awesome coursemates! Watching us play 'animal game', you would NEVER think we're pursuing our Masters in Financial Engineering. We're fun like that! :P
 I LOVE THEM! In school and outside school :)
 Of course towards the end of the night, we all got a wee bit too comfortable, everyone snuggled up...and changed into pyjamas? Haha! Don't judge me and my very comfy 'cupcake' pants!
 These two sunggled up real good alright!! I had to bribe both of them with food to get out of the blanket!
Best and happy when we're together - my gorgeous awesome housemates! :)
Raya Haji open house. Checked!!

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