Wednesday 11 May 2016

God sent

They say rough times don't last, neither do good, great times.

A few years back, I met a person who had probably influenced me in so many ways. In so many good ways. To be a greater person, to always be kind, to always be calm, to never miss prayers, to stay very very humble, to put family first at all times and to always remember Him in everything that you do.

He probably does not know that he had influenced me in such a big way (even Aiman feels so!), but I guess in a way God may have made us crossed paths so that he could rub off these great traits that I should have scrambled to master. Why I say 'should have' was because I never thought God would end that great time unexpectedly.

If there is ONE thing that I am really bad at, is to learn to let go off people I've come to enjoy being around. In a way, I feel very very blessed and thankful for being given the opportunity to have met such a great person :)

Most people say we will always see them again, but let's be honest, I once said the same about my colleagues back in the London office, but who are we to kid. We've all definitely got our own lives to get through with, it would be pretty difficult once everyone has their own schedules to attend to :)

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