Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Do we feel entitled?

The first thing I saw in the news this morning was this and it's heartbreaking!

Are we really an ungrateful society? Or are we thieves? Or did borrowers think that a loan was like free money?

Why am I upset? Because these are loaned amount, the money does not belong to the borrower. It is provided to you in the interim, to assist you in achieving something greater. Did one not think that they had to pay back upon completion of their studies?

People have helped you, you should feel grateful, thankful and pay back - slowly but surely if anything. The article even said that 2.48 billion are from borrowers who had never paid a single sen, come on guys! It speaks volume on what kind of attitude these borrowers have! In fact, why is PTPTN even helping ungrateful applicants - there are more deserving people out there.

I wonder what the security system is like, are non-paying borrowers' family member not allowed to apply for PTPTN in the future? Are non-paying borrowers together with their guarantors not allowed to leave the country? Is there an interest penalty for late payment? There should be a system where PTPTN tracks the date of completion (last day in University), and upon completion start doing standing instruction to guarantors. #justanidea

All I'm saying is, PTPTN has helped so many people to achieve greater things in life, achieve big dreams, taken one through higher education - the least you could do is feel thankful and grateful and pay back slowly to the person who had helped you get to where you are today. We need to be a less demanding society and a more grateful one - for we are talking about future leaders.

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