Wednesday, 2 July 2014


That time of the year when there's just so much peace, so much patience and so much forgiveness all around, it's really beautiful. Ramadhan is here and I must admit, the first day of fasting at work was....let's just say everyone made sure they did not mention snacks or food in front of me or they'd be getting this death stare from me. Haha! My Consultant was asking "what happened to our little ray of sunshine?!!"

*Gives him death stare*

Haha! Anyway, it's 4th day of Ramadhan now and it feels a lot easier fasting and working at the same time :) All it took was clearly some getting used to. Especially for someone who eats every minute :P

Every year during Ramadhan, I make it a point to re read the book on 'You can be the Happiest Woman in the World'. It's MasyaAllah one of the best books I've ever had, and this was a gift from Aisyah to me when she visited Mekah. So many reminders about faith, hope, patience, acceptance and even the power of a smile. It sorts of lifts up my mood every time I read it like there shouldn't be any worry in this world. It's such a complete package about attaining happiness drawing on Islamic teachings as well as reminders from verses of the Quran that act as guides on happiness in this world and the Hereafter, InsyaAllah :))

I'm just so grateful that this year I get to spend Ramadhan with the family back at home, go for terawih with my parents, recite the Quran with mama whilst waiting for terawih, pray jemaah and listening to khutbahs when we're at the mosque, Alhamdulillah. Last year was an 18 hours of fasting whilst battling through work and school - so so very challenging! But I did go through it with great company nonetheless, my London family. 

Selamat berpuasa to all my Muslim readers and may this month be filled with even greater good and forgiveness! :)))

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