Saturday, 5 July 2014

Who will it be?

People come and people go. People move up, some people move on.

A few days back, the corporate world in Malaysia got a lil mini heart attack when my Group CEO made a public announcement about him stepping out of the CEO box. No, he isn't moving out, but he is moving up, as Chairman of CIMB. News sometimes travel faster than lightning and before I know it, my phone was flushed with messages!

"Who will be the next CEO?!!!!"

"OMGGGGG, your Boss leaving CIMB?!!!" (This one clearly did not read the press release till the end la)

"Is he joining politics?! OMG OMG what's gonna happen to CIMB?"

"Hah!!! XXX will become next CEO for sure right?"

"I know you know who will be the next CEO Alia! You freaking work in CEO's office"

 I remember from a couple of years back up till today, I've always had an out-of-this-world level of respect for this man who welcomed us during orientation. Many would agree with me that he was and still is the face of CIMB. For some, he probably defines CIMB. In his 15 years, he has made many bold, brave, intelligent and strategically amazing decisions for the firm. An honest corporate leader who never was afraid to speak nothing but the truth - he is truly an icon in the corporate world.

This transition plan in the leadership of the Bank took many by surprise last week, but one thing a great leader would never do is to leave out of sudden. For the benefit of those who do not plan to read all public information that was made available, when he relinquished his position as CEO, an executive committee in the board was established. This would allow him and the board significant roles in the management of the group, he is still very much a part of the firm.

The news is only 2 days old but I've been bombarded with the same questions by a million and one. I guess I sort of understand the curiosity in people for wanting to know who would be able to take over the great leadership of this once used to only be an Investment bank. It has grown into a full fledged regional player with presence in 12 Asian countries + Australia today. I'm proud to have been a part of the Bank whilst he was our Group CEO.

That said, if I have chosen to stay silent and not comment/answer the questions thrown at me, it does not mean that I'm agreeing nor disagreeing with your opinion. Silence does not mean acceptance, so hang in there people! September will come soon enough and Dato' Sri had promised to keep the suspense as short as possible :)

I never thought I'd be in the firm long enough to see this day happen


R S said...

Exciting lah, your life. Haha.

Btw, we need to have a meal together as soon as you're free. Maybe after Ramadan is better. Haven't had a meal with you in ages. :(

Alia Ishak said...

Hehe....Alhamdulillah for the many rezeki and experience I've been given working for CIMB :)

And yes please!! Meal time overdue. At this rate my hair dah panjang by the time I see you :D