Sunday, 28 October 2007

3.56 PM

3.56 PM, October 27, 2007, Tengku Iedildzuhrie Putra (Iedil), Deputy Chairman of UKEC 2006/2007 committee have declared that the committee now, led by our one and only one of a kind leader, Wan Mohd Firdaus, has officially STEPPED DOWN.

For a moment there, I needed something hard to hit me in the face and snap me out of the dream. Is this for real? I didn't want the AGM day to end... But it was all a reality, I had to go through it whether I liked it, loved it or not. Reports were presented, account balances were shown and were closed, all Malaysian Society Presidents were present in the what I felt like a numb-environment Malaysia Hall, throughout the day. Truth be told, I was enjoying the last few hours before that 3.56. I miss the previous committee already. *sigh*

Earlier in the morning, Hafiz was so cute and funny man! He came to assist me in the voting session for Queen Mary and ended up going to Whiteleys halfway! haha...Good thing Ron, (My Ex President) came along to fill in his space. But then again, it wasn'texactly the right thing to do, listening to candidates presenting their manifestos with Ron, he makes everything sounds funny and I started laughing! :D Bottom to top : Not much competition and debates between A CONTESTANT (for most) and all were nice and smooth...

Well not really EVERYTHING though.I thought Shahril's (Candidate for 2007/2008 Deputy Chairman) was quite complicated! Just him alone took about a WHOLE HOUR to end. But anyhow, Shahril did a great job in tackling all, and I mean the millions of questions posted to him, and for that Congratulations Shahril! To be honest, I thought the questions and debates were going in circles and not heading anywhere,hence I suggested that Firdaus take a break to allow the Muslims to perform their Asar prayers and to the rest, to take a short breather. Things were starting to heat up in the hall, it wasn't funny anymore and started diverting away from "Why am I running for Deputy Chairman of UKEC", not too much to my liking. Everything started to head towards the political side...*penat penat nak layan*
UKEC, Malaysian Student Leaders SUmmit 2007. Our baby project! Alia and I couldn't have done it if Firdaus wasn't in his mood to save the world this one day after Projek Amanat Negara!
Khai's turn was a lil late dueto the prolonged Q&A during Shahril's hence just a short one for Khai's. Anyhow, Khai is now Firdaus's successor and the current President of UKEC whilst Shahril won for Deputy. Congratulations to the whole new committee!
(From the first pic : Khai is the one seated on my right and Shahril, the one directly behind Khai)
Jaga UKEC baik baik k :) May you be able to take UKEC to a higher height and achieve further!

The new friends I made, society's Presidents I haven't seen for long like Alyaa! Then Kak Shasa who dropped by to see us, and Shak whom I managed to catch up with, and Elina too!

For what happened afterwards...only certain some of you might know and I really want to say Thanks, ESPECIALLY to Firdaus for the encouraging words before you left, Hana and Ari for your great concern and rationality on the situation :) also, Alia my housemate for being there for me all the time, Lopes the ever ready listener, Fazril for comforting me, Dad who rationalized the situation and opened my eyes and also Mr President, Khai for understanding and calling me at night. Then Aliya too whom I met on the way home. Thanks all of you guys! Means a lot to me when you guys were there for me when it happened! Sayang korang sangat :)

P/s : Wished you were here Shura! I just had the worst day :( Managed to speak to my best friend for the longest time yesterday, a London-Melbourne conversation that made my day!
Btw, thanks for inviting me to the open house Edgewarians :) The food was yummylicious! Sorry I didn't eat that much, my mind was stuck at the Malaysia Hall sekejap. hehe....But it did manage to pull me away from UKEC nightmares for a bit.



Wish i could be there. *hug*

Alia Ishak said...

I got your text BEFORE the AGM hun. Thanks! and yes the one AFTER you read the post also.ahahaha...Due to the daylight saving time, I dah tersilap bangun time. hehe... AGM continues for a bit today but I'm already not hoping or expecting anything, so that way I can learn to accept anything and everything that occurs hari ni.

Firdaus, mummy, daddy and Iedil also balik today. *sigh*


hehe. good good. eyh! i nak talk to you soon! sooner than soon! so soon that it couldn't get any sooner! xxx

fajiL said...

haha eh actually you committed an election fraud. you posted up the results here on ur blog before official results came out! ish ish ishhhh =P hehehe

anyways congrats on a brilliant job done for ukec the past year! I shall be hunting you down for guidance, o great ukec guru =D

Anonymous said...

Alia and UKEC?...hurm don't think u can seperate them regardless of wat u say n whoevr is on d c'tee. U've grown 2 attached to it la wei jus like u did with Khazanah. Hardly a yr's involvemt in ukec n it accelerated ur growing up process kan? So bottomline is...its a positive devtmt. And if u're still passionate bout it (i know u are) harm continuing to make ukec ur companion as long as u know ur priorities...winks!!

Unknown said...

i like this Anonymous guy/girl. I think this person is completely right... so........ ;P

Alia Ishak said...

Fazril : Eh, I assumed je la. and I guess my assumption turned out right! Super tak I? :D

Anonym : Thanks for the observation! hmmm..yes, I think I get attached to easily, my super weakness.

Shahril : eh...Hinting hinting eh? You nak hire this person kan? Good luck in searching for her/ him :) If you can find, then I shall continue serving UKEC. Deal? hehe...*grins*

Ang Choon Seong said...

pls see the above for whatever i wanted to say has been said.

Vidi Iucunditas said...

Ang and I not in the MSLS committee pic :-( hehehhe