Saturday, 27 October 2007

it's 3.30 AM and I am wide awake...With mixed feelings

UKEC AGM is tomorrow. My days with UKEC are officially over. Nostalgic moments and working on the last night before the AGM with the whole committee was the most happiest thing I could ask for. Thanks you guys! :) It is now 3.30 am, I need to get up at 6.30... I don't wanna sleep. If I do, tomorrow will then come The whole UKEC supreme council from outside London have arrived and staying in Malaysia Hall.

Oh well...Great experiences, been there, done that. COuldn't ask for anything more valuable.

I don't wanna go through this, can I? *sigh*

Anyway, Dato Azman is here, and so is Reez and Hasli and Dr Nung. Now that's a happy thought, at least :) Jan and the others from KRIS arriving soon. Sorry Hasli I couldn't make it to your open house! and thanks for the invitation btw :D

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