Thursday, 1 November 2007

Things I ponder about

"...u know, alia will still be a part of ukec because she sangat sangat love the experience she gets, she craves for it. especially the stress and pressure! she suka the stress. and the whole gaining valueable knowledge. She gets too attached easily..."

*Those words somehow stopped me from what I was doing*
Those were exactly the words that Alia Sidek told my third housemate tonight.

AGM ended quite quickly last Sunday with many motions being passed and constitution being revised and it was the worst day ever. Earlier in the morning Firdaus had to leave for Malaysia already since he has work the next day. Now that's a true workaholic! So he did not attend the AGM on Sunday. I've probably grown to be too attached to him...the whole ukec committee of 2006/2007, making it difficult for me to see him leave, and I mean really difficult.Too attached up to the point where his scoldings and naggings don't hurt me in any way at all. Well, some things you can't keep forever. Working with him has been a good experience, but it can't stay forever...Can it?

Throughout AGM on Sunday, my mind wasn't exactly in that hall with the rest of the other Presidents of Malaysian Society, instead it was somewhere far away....Hence all the abstaining on all motions!

How fast is today going to pass? Will I be able to see people leave? Am I strong enough to see people close to me take that plane back home?Have I grown to be too attached to UKEC? If no, then why is it that the whole year's events and ups and downs keep playing back in my head?

Later in the evening, it was time for mum and dad and Iedil to leave. I've been having a great time whilst my parents were around. The best ever whenever they are around in London. It feels like home and I just did not want them to leave.

Iedil on the other hand, the first senior I met in Queen Mary, the one who came over with gigantic pizza just to cheer me up when I was feeling homesick during my first year and the one with the ability to turn things from a gloomy rainy day to a sunny sunshine-y one. The whole Thorpe Park mayhem and charades at night and the comfy comfy polka dotty cow...and the list goes on...

Things just seemed to pass by so fast...It's like it was just yesterday that they were all here, Mum and Dad arrived at Heathrow, the day I started knowing Firdaus due to Career's Fair, the day I met Iedil for the first time at Khan's...and now, it's time for them to leave. I hate seeing people leave, neither do I like leaving something I've grown too attached to.

I miss Mum and Dad, Firdaus and Iedil badly! I think it was a good thing I did not see Lopes go the next day, or it would be yet another day I couldn't be able to go through. How come? I've only known them when I came to Uni...What more, Lopes and Firdaus. I knew them this year, a few months back...How did I get sooo attached? That's a weakness I have yet to understand and find ways to rectify. According to Alia S, I get attached easily and I am attached to many things, and people...and I get overprotective over these things. Don't pick on em or I'll bite! :D

I guess that's why I've decided this time...not to get too involved hence not get attached, thus a happier ending, no? According to Zee's theory..."get attach to others la, like me. But wait, later you leave, I'll cry pulak". You're funny Zee! Honestly, I do not want to get too attached though I know where exactly my heart lies ( Alia Sidek would barge in and give that Firdaus' face and say " deeep. See, someone still wants the experience!" ) *Btw, once she finish reading this, she's so gonna kill me for writing the word U.K.E.C*hahaha...Look at the top two, Khai and Shahril are final years who will be leaving next year.

Oh well...Anyway, good luck to the new committee! :D


Anonymous said...

Kakak Riti MARAH NI!!! Apa UKEC UKEC post lagi?!! :P:P:P

Alia... Alia... *sigh* Well I told you what I had to tell you right :D I am happy seeing you being happy! I think that's how I treasure life (Haa deep tak deep tak?) and never let anyone comes in the way of pursuing something that is not only something you like, but something that will be beneficial to you now and later! Let people talk, they will never stop!

Anyhoos, what is the motive of putting my angry picture at the top? HAAAA?! Muka angry macam mak guard tengah jaga reception. Ooooh I dah buat cookie cookie you kejam ngan I eh.. no lasagne like this. Hahaha.

Unknown said...


me miss those moments too. i was reading ur blog at my office n suddenly two tears came down.seriously shit. aliaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, me wanna go back to london. i wish i cud turn back da time..

u arent alone gurl. i exactly know how u feels. and i feel it more than u cuz im now facing a complete turnover in life, uwuaaaaaaaaaaaa

miss u loads

p/s thanks for calling
