Friday, 13 February 2009

Such a sunny happy day :)

I see her so often, every other day when I go and play squash. I see her when I sit my lazy bum on the very comfortable couch watching Gilmore Girls or Gossip Girls or American Idol or Music videos, with a deliciously fresh blend smoothie at Drapers in Uni. I see her sometimes in the library, and I see her most of the time in the same place...where I play squash. The place where people exercise, whilst Alia Ishak, more often than not have a smoothie in her hand, dressed in her sporty attire complete with her Adidas sport shoes that is obviously dying soon, BUT never actually playing squash and instead sit and watch Alex play whilst multi tasking and watching tv too. My Adidas, it's so worn out. I go to school with it, play in the snow with it, go for outings in it, go for meeting with it too...I feel like I only have ONE pair of shoes. My Adidas, a true survivor :)

So today, I saw her again, with a smoothie, seems to me like she has just finished working out. So I went to approach her, and told her all about me seeing her so often. She told me "I know! I've seen you a lot too, but never actually met met you". I smiled and offered my hand "My name is Alia." "Why hello, I'm Rosina". 

Such a happy day. It's nice to go up and make friends with easy going friendly people. Well, you won't know until you approach them would you? The risk you take, just in case you end up getting to know a beast instead. haha! Greater risk comes with a higher yield too. ( LOL! ). The sun was shining oh so brightly. So happpy! I woke up early today! So happy. I tend to get VERY VERY annoyed with myself if I wake up past 8. Weird I know :P  I walked to school with iPods in my ears listening to instrumental songs...the pleasure. So nice, so happy! Mama called and we spoke from the time I left home to walk to class till I sat in that lecture hall. Her voice always make me smile :) She was merely finishing up her iTalk minutes though. Understood my lectures today and had a very knowledge-filled chat with Prof Makedon. he's so full of humour. Oh so happy! And Faiza called to update me about her day since I didn't see her Uni today FOR THE FIRST TIME since 2009 began ( Excluding weekends ). The longest catch up like as if I'll not see her tomorrow also.

Such a fine day filled with happiness. 

Such a happy day today. It's either that or...I just get happy too easily. The former is just as equal as the latter I think :)

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