Wednesday, 4 February 2009

A loss to US, UKEC and Malaysia

(Standing, 5th from the left)

US = His friends everywhere, who he befriended, who he has helped and who he has touched deeply, his friends and acquaintances. WORLDWIDE.

UKEC = The United Kingdom and Ireland student council for Malaysian students in the UK

MALAYSIA = Where he owns and holds his nationality

Today at 4 am, most ex UKEC-ians were woken up by a very devastating news of a very precious lost. He may have gone, but never will he be forgotten for he has done too much. Too much for his friends, for the UKEC and the country. 

A true inspiration who has influenced and touched many, one who was always pure with his intentions and his faith in Malaysia and stubborn beliefs in the changes Malaysia can achieve, he has made many significant deeds and charities, specially for a better country and society.
A former regional chairman of UKEC, the one with brilliant ideas and the one who initiated the great ASEAN Student Leaders conference 2008. 
At this moment, I am still trying to believe that Markus is no longer contactable. 29th January was the last I heard from him...

May you rest in peace Markus Ng.

Always in our memories:- 

1 comment:

Iron Butterfly said...

your entry about him made me want to weep eventhough i never met him. i saw Fir's facebook and looked up who is this guy who matters to a lot of people.

a great guy indeed. may he rest in peace.