Thursday 2 April 2009


I've been waiting and working hard just to push myself to get here, and finally, I'm home

It feels amazingly nice. To have so much love pampering you. To have daddy taking leave and all of them greeting me at the airport at 5.30 in the morning. To head straight for Nasi Lemak and Roti Canai for breakfast afterwards. To head home and see a surprise neatly packed and placed on my bed and see my room and jump on the the bed with the most duvets in the house and have nothing to worry about for at least that few hours that I just landed. To go shopping with abang and Amil and just be crazy and hyper, laughing our hearts out whilst licking ice cream and walking in flip flops. To share a plate of halal meatballs at IKEA with the whole family. To stalk all the bookshops and steal a read of a few pages. To sing to songs whilst abang drive around in KL. ( Note that both of us are jetlagged, hence the craziness ). To hang out in abang's room and just listen to him talk bout his GE experience whilst I munch on his Beryl's chocolates. To have mama, daddy and I laying down on my bed just talking about the most random things, whilst the music play our favourite playlist on the iTunes. To fall asleep and not have to panic and wake up for the next lecture. To wake up and have dinner waiting, before heading out to the supermarket and afterwards indulge ourselves in a cup of teh tarik. To have abang lazing around in my room and eating chocolates with me and talk about just everything, and have been told by daddy to have an early sleep, and wake up at whatever time my body plans to wake up tomorrow; just so that I can recover from the jetlag and have enough energy to go through the whole routine again.



fajiL said...

sounds awesomeeee :)


i love you my lil muffin! eat nasi lemak for meeeee! x

Alia Ishak said...

No more awesome bawesomeeee. You guys had Picnic in the sun, and UMNO cup. Also awesome what!

and I think I've just gained weight from all the nasi lemak and roti canai....and all those food fiesta!