Friday, 14 August 2009

Azwan was chosen

Sayang, why did you leave like that? I was talking to you 5 minutes ago, and then tiba tiba mummy called cakap you, Afi and Tiger are involved in an accident. I was so indenial, I debated with mummy saying that I just spoke to you. Why did you send me that last message thanking me for everything? I tak faham la. Thanking for what? I need you to wake up and explain.

Azam had to talk to me to make sure I get it that you are in the Ambulance already on the way to the hospital. I cannot imagine losing you Azwan. Papa and daddy are brothers and mama and mummy are sisters, you leaving me like that is like you leaving your own sister. You're my closest cousin that I cannot bear to see go now. We're the closest since small, please wait for me and don't go on your own. Mase I sampai hospital tadi, you were already on the bed at the A&E and I couldn't control myself. I broke down and just felt so helpless...I went to peek at you but I was so fragile at that time. I was very fragile that I became so scared of losing you when I went to see you on that bed. You were wearing baju merah tapi doctors had to cut it sebab your head dah swollen la yang, tak boleh nak bukak baju the normal way.

Sorry I cried, but it was just too scary for me. After your brain scan you were wheeled into the OT to put in a monitor into your head, sebab banyak sangat la clot in your kepala. (Dr) Abang Raf cakap, operations like that maybe 1 hour, tapi I tunggu tunggu you tak keluar. Until about 2 something, daddy was so tired and he had an important convo in the morning, they wanted to go home. I know if you were awake you would tell me to listen to Mama and daddy, tapi I wanted to be there till you wake up yang. I was debating with daddy bout me staying, so much so that your papa and mummy had to talk to me too to go head back first and come again. I did in the end, tapi I tak tido pun sammmmpaaaai I got the message bout you getting out from the OT safe. I slept for an hour and then when I bangun, I still cannot believe that you're not on your bed at home tau.

After sometime baru I sedar, and then I cried again. Terus I went to change and headed to the hospital. Sorry I've been crying so much. I'll be strong for you, and will continue to do so. I promise. You have a good rest k, nanti when you feel stronger dah you bangun k. Dr Azmin is doing a wonderful job, so don't worry k. Sayang, wake up soon k. I miss you already. I love you. Kejap lagi ade solat hajat for you :)

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