I have a funny story to tell you ni. You know tadi I masuk in between Mama and daddy and then kan kelakar sangat. I read the whole Syifa' verses for you and all the doa cepat sembuh for you. After that, abang masuk to see you, I was massaging your hands at that time. So I told abang to massage your other hand the other side, and you know what he said? "Eeee, boleh ke. Tak nak ah" whilst POKING poking you! Macam cuit cuit you, like a boyfriend malu malu dengan girlfriend die. hahaha! I tergelak k in the ICU tu.
The funniest part was when, suddenly there was a long "Beeeeeeeeep" sound and nurses started coming over to your bed! And we both panic. Seriously, when you're in the ICU, all the sound seems so alien and dangerous and scary, all at the same time. and then I started "What happened? What happened?" to the nurses, and rupa rupanye, it was just your drip punye wire dah moved a bit, so it wasn't so in place. Scary ok yang! Never do that to us again, please. Heart attack betul, and dah la we thought because Lan poked you. hehe :)
Anyway, a lot of your friends datang, and Haqqa came too today and also Farrah and her mum after she finished college. Oh and a lot of Papa's cousins thought that Abang Raf was 'Ishak's son' today! So much so that, after everyone has left and there was jut our family, abang felt jealous when Abang Raf called me "Adik". I borrow your Abang Raf sekejap k, whilst we wait for you to wake up. Abang Raf is going back to Ipoh btw tomorrow, he's not taking any more leave already for now.
Sayang, tadi I tanye the nurses when will they test you again on your breathing, and they told me Monday. The whole weekend they will sedate you to let you and your smarty brain rest. So, nanti on Monday, you have to fight really really really very hard k? I will be there, I promise. and I will do the daily goodbye kiss to you before I leave the hospital as always. I love you.
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