Monday 21 September 2009

Raya back at home

This year is just different, it already started off differently. We had a pre raya. A big one. A happy one. An amazing one. It was so fun that I forgot bout the real raya day. When there's no more waking up in the wee hours to fill the stomach to help me last the day and loads of food and and family visits and time with close friends!

In London, it's just, first day of raya, you go for raya prayers, you eat, you be happy, you go to high comm, you eat somemore and have fun with friends and along the way dreading it that you're not back in Malaysia all mostly in a day, before you start going back to the depressing classes that you (choose) to forget about on that first day of raya. Pffft.

Everything were the same. The food, the please-forgive-me blessings ( yup, being the youngest, you ask for most forgiveness from everyone). The dressing up in the prettiest kurung and duit raya!
Well, the money part was the same alright but what surprised me was the amount. That was probably half of the total packets I got! I thought as I grow older and have been living around for the past one month with the fact that I have already sign a working contract would deter people from giving me those colourful packets! I guess people are just really generous and very nice on days like raya. "The more you give the more you get" they say! I'm more than happy to be of a big help and be the receiver :) I've never gotten this much money on a good raya day even! Alhamdulillah :)

Well, apart from that, I was so hooked to raya songs that I was being made fun of by my family and Azwan's. Especially Papa! He imitated me whenever I hear a raya song on air and become all too excited. He looked like a happy barney the dinosaur when he mimicked my expression. Pffft. Talk about being loved. They sure love making fun of me! haha! But that's the thing I miss when I'm abroad. Them being around me a lot and to see how comfortable they are when they pick on me and how much they show that they'll miss me when I start work soon.

Raya started late for us this year, and that's another significant difference. Usually every year, we'd go both sides of the family, Papa's in the morning and Mama's in the afternoon till the whole day ends. But this year, raya was either at our's OR Azwan's for the reason that we're related BOTH sides. Mum's side AND dad's side. So raya travelling was made easier this year, all because Azwan's out of the hospital, in time for raya and we didn't want him to miss out on the fun! :) So Azwan's family decided to host this year's first day of raya so that Azwan won't need to move about too much! Thankful we are, for Azwan celebrated raya with us, healthy, conscious and on a speedy road to recovery, Alhamdulillah :)
I may not have been back in Malaysia that long, and probably so for not too long either before I fly back to London to further my Masters, but it surely has been one short period filled with many events and I'm just so happy to be able to celebrate raya back at home :) It's been an amazing raya indeed!
Selamat Hari Raya everyone!


fiqss said...

pwetty alia :)

selamat hari raya to u!=)

heyyy u're not eligible to get duit raya anymore XD

fajiL said...

omgggg so many packets! i got zero duit raya man :( très très depressing :( haha!

Alia Ishak said...

Fiqss : Eeep, thanks sweetie. That's kind of you to say. Saw your pictures, and you look gorgeous yourself! :) Selamat Hari Raya to you tooo! Send my regards to your mummy and year I dah tak dapat duit raya dah! So might as well I collect my last few this year :P

Zril : Hahaha! You kan dah kerjaaaaaaaa. Nak jugak duit raya pulak. I'm still unemployed la, hence I'm entitled to the many many ang paus :) Mintak la kakak you and Pai using the reason that "I'm the youngest".

als said...

Alia! Fazril told me about the packets and here i am checking. amboiiii banyak nye duit raya! nak ckit!! i dapat 3 paket je ok itu pun segan2 nak ambik hahaha

maciken, bila nak datang my house niiii. come with aimee next weekend if you're free! she busy this weekend cannot come one that girl. eh bila you nak continue masters ni?

Alia Ishak said...

hehehe! Tapi I tak kerja lagi la yang. Fazril niiiiii.... nanti satu PNB tau I dapat duit raya banyak! hahaha!

and next weekend! Ok, I will call aimee the little goat :) We lunching on wednesday kannnnn? KLCC yes? You susah tak nak gi situ? Dinesh and I are unemployed so we'll go to you guys in KL :) Aimee, fazril and aiman memang there dah. I miss you housemate! I tengah dengar the song yg semalam you made me lari lari dalam rumah pasang astro tu.