Tuesday, 2 November 2010

All in 7 continuous days

Alia Ishak

Alia Ishak The launch of ETP - Done
PwC Seminar 2010 - Unlocking Potential - Done
Signing ceremony and completion of a deal - Done
Global Islamic Finance Forum 2010 - Done
YCM CEO Series - Done
CIMB's Asia Pacific Classic Malaysia Golf Tournament 2010 - Done
All in 7 continuous hectic days! Can't wait to be back at the office tomorrow!! :):) 

These are the reasons why I went MIA for a week last week. I'm so proud of my systems for they did not fail on me during that one really, very, extremely exhausting most hectic week I've ever had! Last week.

The launch of ETP
Unlocking Potentials by PwC - An excellent training on Tax and Budget 2011
Global Islamic Finance Forum at Mandarin Oriental

The one I was most excited about! HP and CIMB done deal. It was all worth the late nights and stress for it has now been given the full green light. I'm thankful. Alhamdulillah. Well done to my team! :)
and oh my Rickie Fowler. So striking everyday and successful! 
 ...and the most sporting Champion alive, Ben Crane! I called, and he turned around for my camera. *sigh*. The perks you get when organizing such events :)
Well done CIMB team! Good reviews and many happy comments from spectators and players. Definitely a two thumbs up. Hello 6 years of PGA contract. CIMB definitely knows what it takes! I'm a proud employee.

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