Sunday 14 November 2010

Big Dreams

Advertorial: The 2nd Annual Young Corporate Malaysians Summit 2010 registration is NOW OPEN! So HURRY!

The three of us were all on leave from our usual work last week. Sounds nice.
But we were working hard on something else, probably harder than a normal working week. 

We've been too busy for each other that we just HAD TO have lunch, even if it means for 10 minutes and we don't look our best at all. We've been forgetting to eat at normal times, putting soap on hair instead of shampoo, falling asleep whilst the other is talking to us, going to the wrong company just because there were too many in the head, etc. 

What was more important was the time spent together. So, in the morning we decided on Alexis, 2 hours max. It was short and quick, but we did manage some good laugh and crazy super fast-track updates! A-Z updates! It's always a happy we-knew-it-was-a-good-idea-to-leave-work-and-meet-up moments. Always :)

I realized, we're all growing up so quickly now. We used to be in our PJs on weekends, talking about brainless stuff or when we're on leave, thinking of what to do later in the day. But not anymore, I hardly think that 24 hours is enough! These days, we dream big and we take leave not to rest, but either channel our energy to the other business we're in and in the same time the minds work to explore other extra opportunities that we can tap on and how we can hone our skills and passion to best use - on top of our business as usual work of course. I love my investment banking too much and she loves her construction a lot. Asma'? She's already doing her number 1 passion!  Fashion and magazine. 

Our attention span did not last too long either, I tell you. That's our love for each other. Even when we're not listening to the other, we understand that we're too busy to channel all concentration to one thing. I tell you, the more pieces we could cut our brain and body into, the better. That's how it works! It's either, the phone will be ringing, or the bbm beeping or anything non-work related catches our attention. Like a scrumptious deliciously prepared red velvet cupcake! So most of the time it's either, 

They were too hungry and food was more interesting than me. Or

That BBM beeps. Or

that phone rings. PFFT...

Ok, so that's that. Now, moving on to our big dreams and ideas!

Anyway. Do you guys remember this? Those days when we were in London, and walking seems like the last thing we'd do on a random odd day?

Now think the same, but for Malaysia. Yup, it's finally here! Like the page and get to know when is the exact date for the launch. Hint : I can feel the heat already. Really hot.

and here's a big congratulations to the team! So proud of my two darlings, now let's start marketing it!

She didn't even realize she used my tissue. That's how tired she was!

We calculated and the last we saw each other was on the 16th of October. Go figure. That was AGES!

Secondly, here's our YCM making it into today's Star Education! Well done team! I'm proud :) Check it out here.

Stay tune for our registration for the 2nd Annual Young Corporate Malaysians Summit 2010 - OPEN NOW! So hurry as the names start coming in! I hope I don't die of exhaustion by the time the summit is ready to be executed. Let's connect with all Malaysian corporates!

Now on a different initiative ( Yes, i told you we dream big!), here's a hint for another upcoming one. Think performing arts.

 Wait for it! :)

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