Thursday, 10 February 2011

Perfect Birthday Part 12 - The Annuars

If anything, this girl is the one who was at most of my birthday celebrations!

It's amazing that we've had three birthday celebrations together, and the fourth one was all the way in London, and Ajjie was around too! This time, it was Along (aka Azzahraa) and Abang Amir's treat at Massi. Very exclusive, very delicious, very comfy, very posh. You name it. All in all, I loved the restaurant! :)

This was another birthday surprise that I did not see coming (again!). These guys are good I swear. As it is, I spent the entire day at Bicester, shopping with Ajjie and Abang Amir, and still did not know what was coming. And we already had a false birthday celebration the few nights before actually. It's a false one because, they have yet to get me a birthday present at that time and we wanted a girly dinner without Abang Amir. haha! Too cute. So it was me, Shasa, Along and Ajjie :) 

It's been a few months now since I last saw Along and Abang Amir. The last was when Along came over to the house for raya. It's very interesting how I knew Along first when I was studying in London. This is one very super duper protective kakak senior I tell you. Hehe... Then I came home, and guess what?! I'm working in the same firm as Azzwaa, the second sister. And coincidentally, we have the best friends gang, Vivy, Ajjrina, Shura and I.

So there you go, the history of how I am connected to all the amazing Annuar sisters. 
Azzahraa. Azzwaa. Ajjrina. 

It was such a good night. We did nothing but catch up on a million and one things. At the same time, Along and Abang Amir managed to slip in some good advice which I was thankful that they're always there for eversince I was still in Uni :) I'm just very happy that they'll be back in Malaysia for good soon!!

London had the strongest wind that night, everyone looked like Simba!

P/S : That's the end of all the birthday celebrations that I had. Phew...I think I might have just put on 10kg from all the food.


The Z A M said...

It's .... (Well, I'm still thinking the right choice of word to describe it. LOL. Probably, GOOD) to have birthday parties like all the times. It is fun moment indeed. I bet, you have such a good and happy circle friends, young girl.

Alia Ishak said...

Spot on Zam! :) I definitely do have amazing people around me!