Saturday 1 October 2011

Clash of the jerseys and work life balance

Happy kinda stress is when you're super exhausted and you're pushing yourself beyond what you usually do, but you get maximum happiness at the same time whilst going through the crazy exhaustion.

This month has got to be the start of all competitions between Banks and the start of regulators auditing us Bankers who develop products. Audit is always stressful. But when you can justify and sell your product, that stress becomes a satisfaction once you get through it.

It has been a crazy 2 weeks at work, and I don't see it reducing anytime soon. At least not for the next coming week. It's gonna be same ol too-happy-to-even-realize-that-working-hours-have-long-ended. There's something about working that just makes me so very happy, really! But between those busy times, I still went for sports tryouts this morning. The Bank is preparing for a netball team for our Interbank match soon! I no nuts about netball, I swear. So I thought, well, just for the fun of it. Why not?

Let's just say, I managed to google them netball rules into my head before going to bed, I made new friends, learned a few new things about netball and hey! I made it into the team :):) To be honest, for the past one year that I've been serving the Bank, I've been sponsored Futsal shoes and jerseys (for making it into the Bank's team), track shoes, jerseys and new attires (for making it into the Athletics team), badminton racquet and loads more jerseys for bowling team. It's a bonus to be sponsored another set of shoes and jerseys for netball this time! I surely am not complaining :)

So what do I have waiting for me next week?

A hectic-long-days week at work and approvals to be submitted. Netball training every night after work. Futsal training that will clash with some of the netball training sessions at night. Futsal matches on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Netball tournament on Saturday and Bowling on the 15th. I foresee myself moving from one tournament court to another and whilst driving, I'd be changing into different jerseys!! On top of that, musical rehearsals to attend in order to prepare for my upcoming show (no, I only do this part time now. Nothing like Dreamgirls), and work! Oh God, give me the energy. I don't know why I always do this to myself!

Well, one thing's for sure, at least I have lil Gutsy to teman me and be happy with me! :)

Well, why Gutsy and not Smurfette? It's coz my other better half has gone to so many Toys R Us and this was the only one left. Gargamel doesn't count and the rest of the other Smurfs were sold out! :(

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