Friday 27 July 2012

That Moment

You know that feeling when you really (and I mean really really reallllllllly) want something and you'd do anything just to get that or else your life just feels incomplete? All these whilst at the same time it seems like the whole world around you don't seem to understand where you're coming from or why is it such a big deal to you?

It's the same like when people say you cannot do it, that's exactly when you'd do whatever it takes to prove them wrong.

Experiencing that moment is oh-so-testing.

That aside, nothing I do right now seem right. So apprehensive only because I am already homesick. Yes, and I have not even bought my flight tickets yet for London and I'm super homesick already. This is challenging really, I can breakdown any time. Well, my (future) classmate thinks I'm funny though with my homesick business. She's super sweet but I warned her I get homesick every single day the minute I step out of the house!

Her reply was "Awww, don't worry babe, we go get hot chocs and waffles or some other happy pills to wash your homesickness away"

I dowwan.

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