Tuesday 9 August 2016

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Remember that question HR/Interviewers like to ask when you are in the midst of applying for a job - "Where do you see yourself in 5 years and what do you see yourself doing?"

I'm exactly at that stage, doing something I like and contented.

You know that feeling when you feel like everything is going your way? Recently I was telling Aiman about how I really love what I do at work and that I'm so thankful I have great teammates. Who you work with and who you surround yourself with are very important especially when it is something that you have to do every single day. Sleep. Work. Repeat.

...And then someone mentions "Man, I really don't like my job". 

Just like that, you feel like the luckiest person to have the best job in the world. Or at least that feeling. May not be completely on point in totality.

It got me thinking: What is it about the job that you don't like? Is it the job, or the people? Really, it is so important to differentiate these two. If it is the people, then why do you continue staying where you are? Why not seek for opportunities with people you may potentially be able to work with? Don't like what you do, then why stay where you are? Don't like the brand, then don't be selfish and stick around.

But never blame a brand because it is not a living thing. People are what represents a brand.

I guess I've been very lucky to have been able to be in situations where I love what I do and it is a big enough reason to make me feel happy and grateful. Why situations is because I have served 8 departments in my 6 years (1 year of Masters) with the firm so far. Some things that I realize would help:

  1. Trust - Be honest in your work and work hard in every single thing that you do. No matter how small the task is. Building trust amongst your colleagues should be the first thing you do. 
  2. Respect - I believe that you need to respect in order to gain it too. Discuss rationally.
  3. Be honest - This is so important as you would not want to end up doing things that are wrong or things that you aren't sure about. Ask if you don't know and express your opinion (in a polite manner) if you have ideas. In the working world, everyone is an adult, everyone (maybe not all) should be able to have mutual respect in everything that they do.
  4. It's OK to make mistakes - How else are you gonna learn otherwise? Better to make a mistake than not to have tried at all. 
  5. Positivity - Make friends with everyone in the firm. It is just a job at the end of the day. It shouldn't be something that kills you nor should it take all your happiness away after work. Do not bring work stress home. If you are not happy, evaluate and speak to your bosses about it, everything is figureout-able remember? And no issue is life's biggest problem. Be grateful for all the good things, it will take you a long way!
  6. Learn to compartmentalize - Do not waste energy on things that may disrupt your work. Divert your focus and attention away from negative vibes at all times. 
  7. Treat everyone equally - Does not mean if you are an executive officer, you are any higher than the tea lady or the drivers or even the security guards. Spend time with them too, go out for lunch with them, play sports with them. You'll be amazed at how inspiring some of them are! I love them all, always giving me smiles everytime I come to office!
These are obviously just some of the factors, but the few that have given me a really good experience :)) Take one day at a time and you'll realize that as much as good times come to an end, down times do come to an end too!

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