Sunday 7 August 2016

Best F&B Set Up Award at the Young ASEAN Entrepreneurs Award 2016

Last weekend was definitely a weekend that the team wanted to remember forever and ever!

Just a week before, Aiman and I had one of those moments when we realized we had a bit too much on our plate and started reminiscing those days when we were sleeping in on weekends, travelling on our off days and had ample free time to do whatever we wanted to when we're not at work. Today, weekends are like any normal weekdays, and there's clearly no such thing as sleeping early every night. Unless except for when we fall asleep without even realizing it haha!

This is why we should never forget that God hears us, at all times. Great times, down times, ANYTIME! Allah probably heard us and gave us this Best F&B Set Up Award at the Young ASEAN Entrepreneurs Award 2016 to remind us that we are actually doing pretty ok, Subhanallah such a miracle! One phone call and our moods were lifted up sky high! We totally did not see this coming at all!
The past year has been nothing short of a roller coaster ride for us, having two jobs to handle - occasionally having a lot more down times stressful moments at both work and cafe but guys, one thing that definitely kept us going was to stop, reflect and divert all focus on the good that had happened instead of the down times. Knowing that Allah is with you at all times keeps one very sane when running a business. It is so very powerful because you know He would never put you through something that he knows you cannot handle.

At the end of the day it isn't the end of the world, no customer feedback, staff issue nor shutting the freezer switch OFF (remember that time when all my ice cream melted guys????), no struggle should drag you down and demotivate. Take it with a big smile, improve and move on. Everything's figureout-able if you take one step at a time :)

Alhamdulillah for all the ups and downs that have brought us all to where we are today, and definitely for the supportive family, friends, customers and my awesome team who had worked with us for without them, we would not have won the award. This award is not just for us, but for everyone. Here's to more ideas to improve and expand!!

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