Monday 1 January 2018

Happy 2018!

We're 3 years old and I think we've both agreed that getting married on the 1st of January is a splendid idea because we'll begin every year with a public holiday and it's about us and we get to spend the entire day together - Aiman and I.

This year will be an entirely new adventure for the both of us with our new jobs! Most importantly, there are things I would love to do differently. Let's just see how long I'll be able to hold on to this new years resolutions!

  • To lead a healthier lifestyle - to drink less coke (not ready to say bye to Vitagens yet), to snack less on junks and basically find time to exercise. Let's be real, I don't exercise, so maybe once a week to start :P To also wake up earlier everyday and be more discipline about getting to bed by a certain time at night
  • To be more patient - everyone close to me would know I'm one of the most impatient person, when I want something I just want something. If I put a deadline, I'd get annoyed with myself/them if I/they did not meet it. This year I plan to take one thing at a time, solve a situation one by one, one day at a time and to know that there is never anything that requires for you to kill yourself over it just because things did not go your way.
  • Continue to see the positive in everything that happens - nothing is truer than "things happen for a reason". When you see a purpose in everything that took place, you'll be a happier person in no time and I've always tried to stick to this belief!
  • To always let Kindness win over Being Right - sometimes it's best to stay kind than to fight your way just because you know you are right. It's never the end of the world :)
Most importantly, I want to be able to continue striving to be a better version of myself. Happy 2018 everyone!! May it be a greater year for all of us Insya Allah!

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