Monday 24 September 2007

Oh dear! I'm in London!

Shah Alam - Kuala Lumpur - West London - East London (via central) - North London all the way to Hertfordshire - East London
That was how my journey went from the minute I left home for London till the minute I set foot in the house to start feeling homesick again!

ANYWAY....I'm back in London!!

So much for wanting to turn into a social outcast this year...I made new friends in the plane!! hahaha...They were really friendly and nice students, very warm-and-easy-to-talk-to, my batch. A girl from Edinburgh Uni doing artsy subject and a boy from Imperial College doing one of the engineering course. hehehe...I can't be bothered to ask further on what exact course they are currently pursuing though. But yeah...told you, my mission and goal, it won't work!

As usual, we turned out to be the noisiest 4 boarding the plane. *Alia, Faezah, Liana and Alia*
Already a noisy bunch, we met the other friends of ours! Karim and Farah Ann who flew from Indonesia, and then there was Idzwan and Xue Wen ( New found friend during my internship). Then there's Khalis and Kak Aimi and a whole bunch of scholars which I am not very sure who their sponsors are but looks like JPA or MARA. Then there was....I can't be naming all la, nanti this post becomes too long!

All four of us were taking our seats when I realised that an elderly man has taken up mine! (Oh no! I'm going to be seperated from my friends! So much for reserving seats la kan. Tak reliable langsung and yes they'll probably go up to you, smile and say "thank you for flying with Malaysia Airlines"). Anyway, I realised that the reason why he was there was because he did not want to be seperated from his wife. "La...Let me know la. Of course you can have the seat if that's the case". (Mind you, I didn't talk to him like that la k! Confirm la he tak faham) :)

The gist is, I told him it wasn't a big problem and that he can have my seat and I can have his.I don't mind at all :) Needed to convince him that it was ok, coz he was kinda scared that he hurt me. hahaha...Very warm and friendly one. He and his wife thanked me afterwards and I ended up sitting in between Brit-ish people!! hahahaa....And soon enough I was talking to them like they were Malaysians.

*This scene comes in between all those making-friend-time-I had being squashed in between the Mat Sallehs*....
Mr Steward came up to me to ask if I was ok with the seat and I said , "I absolutely am! Thank you". The main reason why I reserved my seat earlier was so that I was assured an aisle seat. My kaki penat la duk tengah tengah and for a long flight lagi. Well anyway, Mr Steward said that he'll look for an aisle seat for me soon enough once he finish helping the other passengers. I thanked him and said that it was ok. But he insisted. "No trouble at all! And hey, I was making new friends, though of course they are like daddy's age and all, they are really Friendly peeps, I like! "

Next minute I saw, Mr Steward heading my way again, and since I had my Ipod stuck in my ear and was reading a book, he was kind enough not to bother, so he asked my other three friends to try and get my attention instead. Guess What?!! He got me a seat closer to my friends, and so I agreed to take that seat. Said bye to my 3 new found British friends, and headed to my new seat. Then I ask the boy seating at the aisle if I could have the aisle seat but Fadza said he preferred an aisle seat. Fair enough, it is his seat anyway. Takkan I nak force kan? That'll be the meanest thing to do. So I sat in the middle, directly in front of Faezah :)
*This is when I met my other two new Malaysian-student friends from Imperial and Edinburgh*

5minutes later, just before we took off, Mr Steward came back to ask if I was ok. How sweet of him.
So all in all...I made 8 new friends on the plane 15 minutes before taking off because I agreed to something that wasn't any big of a deal :) Isn't that cool?! And they were all nice, friendly people :D YAY!

Ok that was the nice part la, the not-nice part was the flight itself. It was soooooo friggin long!! UGH....I think maybe next time, taking a transit flight would be a better choice. You'll get to rest and stretch outside plus it's CHEAPER! So not complaining there :) 12 hours and 30 minutes!
Penat giler! Restless too...and it didn't help that I was feeling homesick. Like I said, "in-between-seats" are the worst for me. Must be due to that back injury I had when I was younger. My back hurt. Tossing and turning and I couldn't sleep. AMAZING!!!! Considering the fact that I am known to my family to be the one like daddy who can sleep almost immediately anywhere. Kalau surrounding noisy pun I can still sleep peacefully. WEIRD KID, I know!

We reached Heathrow at the wee hours of the cold cold morning, 5.25 am. Landing was PERFECTLY SMOOTH!! Credit goes to Capt Azman :) (eh, I just realised that I've met so many Azmans this summer). Didn't even realised we have actually touched land until the plane started going faster to get momentum to... stop? (What am I crapping about? I'm not the one with a science background, mind you. hehe...). K la, you know when you have landed. It's when your ears have that blocked feeling! haaa...That's more like it :)

Afterwards, Alia and I decided to take a cab back to the house...sebab our bags were too heavy and we were too tired to go through the tube process just yet. So yeah, from heathrow to Bantry costed us a painful 71.20 pounds! Oh well...Should have booked a cab from Malaysia. Whatever it is, Alia and I kinda just shut our eyes and paid. We couldn't be bothered anymore...We were dying!!!

Lomon, Amir and Nabilah were at home. So Lomon woke up to help us with our luggages before going back to sleep. Then, Alia and I started going through our accommodation forms and the need of our Guarantor's additional ID made us travel all the way up to the outskirts of London to HERTFORDSHIRE to let you know, to meet Uncle Salleh. Took us two hours from the house...Wonderful news we got was that, the northern line was partly closed due to some engineering works! Very helpful! What more...before that, Alia and I already got the lines mixed up. hehe...Excuse us man. We just arrived and our head only has the LRT route installed in the brain. No London tube programmed yet *grins*

And so, we got on our first train, sat in the train...don't know what Alia was doing, but I was kinda having flashbacks of home, the whole summer and the ones I miss. *sigh*
Once, we looked out at a stop which said 'MONUMENT'. As the door closed we REALIZED that WE WERE SUPPOSED TO GET DOWN THERE!!!!! Aaaaggghhh!!! So much for day dreaming man... But it was funny la. hahahaha... Both of us then got down at another station. Changed three time till we got to East Fincley and then took a bus to Uncle Salleh's house. It's a company house for those working at Tun Abdul Razak Research Centre. Got his ID in 10 minutes!! 4 hours of the whole journey for a 10 minutes much-needed-communication.

On the way home, we couldn't even feel our feet. Both of us fell asleep on the tube and by the time we were 3 stations away, we felt like were dying. Didn't help either that the sun was shining worst than Malaysia...Got home and SLEEP NOT!!! hahaha....We felt fresh like suddenly! and wasted time online. I was chatting with mum online and then the one up on top of London too and yes feeling all homesick again. But both were nice enough to help feel better :)

So that was the whole journey route on our first day in London!

Soon enough I felt sick, headache-ish and tired...Decided to sleep. That was 6 pm LONDON TIME. Put the alarm to go off at 7 so that we will wake up in time to have buka with Lomon and Amir and guess what?...Instead of one hour, we slept for 9 hours straight like seriously long. hahaha...In between that, I think Faezah and Liana came to take some stuffs from the house but Alia and I were asleep! hehe...So Lomon and Amir helped them I guess. I don't know...I was in dreamland.

Woke up REAAAAAALLLYYY EARLLY!!! but Malaysian time. When other Brits were fast asleep :) We felt weird to be awake when it was so dark outside, except for the shine from the moon. Went online for a bit and then I forced myself to fall back asleep so that I'll have less jet lag syndrome.

Now whilst I'm blogging, I'm kinda wasting time waiting for my lecture at 10. I have 10 to 6 today!! So much for the first day of my 2nd year :( and's pouring out there! The weather here is so fickle. ME DON"T LIKE IT! Alia just left for her class, coz she's planning to time how long it takes to get to her Uni from our new place. She has to travel a lil, whilst I wake up in the morning, look out the window and I see big written QUEEN MARY UNIVERSITY OF LONDON on the building across my house.If I ever get late for class, I'm so not forgiving myself! hehe...

Hopefully today will be fine. Gotta settle some Uni and bank stuffs apart from attending those lectures. And I might be sleeping at Faezah's tonight to settle some things and get someUni things. I can do this!

2nd year, here I come!!!