Wednesday, 14 November 2007

An excellent week :)

I was awaken by a call all the way from Malaysia at....6 AM!! WHAT?! and trust me, it was one realllly IMPORTANT call, you don't take this, Accenture will take their sponsorship away! *Jumps out of bed* So that's how your life goes about at random times if you're in the student council. Healthy pressure that keeps me on the go and happy happy :)

Anyway, the whole one week that has passed was a super duper uberly perfect blast! Started off with me having a week off from Uni coz we had our usual "reading week" where obviously the name says it all. You are supposed to revise and study and basically try to be a hard core nerd wannabe :D It went great I must say. Long hours in the library, sleep, eat,talk to mum and dad, Azwan and firdaus often, more long hours in the room stuck to the chair and getting eye bags...heh?How is that nice? Well, I understood things clearly now, past year papers was an enjoyable attempt every single time, you have no appointments to worry bout, just reading em books and doing questions made me happy...Now that's a Happy Nerd Wannabe :D haha... Assessment papers were on Thursday and Friday and it went quite well, Alhamdulillah.

Throughout last week, Alee has been baking a lot! ie; For Kiran's birthday, baking for fun, baking triple chocs just to motivate me to study...aaaahhh...Her brownies and triple choc cake and choc chip cookies...They make me wanna study! hahaha...What the heck! It was heavenly though.She's gonna open a bakery shop and leave Bank Negara i think! hahaha....
On friday, Phoebe ( YAY! I've been waiting for her! ) and Ikhwan arrived from Birmingham and Sheffield to spend time in London and also for the UCL Mnite. This was when the happy weekend started. I finished my assessment paper earlier in the afternoon. Glad that's over! Went Hyde Park strolling with Zril afterwards to wait for Pho to arrive when a squirrel decided to be super friendly and climbed on me, WITHOUT permission nor any cue. *Panic attack* Fazril, he decided to laugh at me! bluek...JAHAT! London is now freezing, but the sun still shines, so Parks are the best. We went for waffles and just walked about with no hala tuju yg tertentu at the park. It was nice, people were warm, kids were having fun and the weather was excellent, there's sun la.

After some time, it got chilly, so we headed back to Zril's and spent time with Jared. YES , JARED ETHAN ANG TZER SHEN! haha...He was good, his normal usual self, all relaxed and out of the blue stressed up over some money loss. haha...Jared Jared. He was going to watch Lord Of the Rings Musical at night with the IC lites. Later afterwards, I went over to Faezah's.We agreed to have dinner together since it's been toooo long since we last met. It was a good time! We filled each other with things that have been happening, classes, uni, friends and was just being happy. Then Ikhwan arrived shortly and all three of us headed to MnS coz Faezah was craving for a Chocolate Pudding but sadly it was finished :( So we went for toffee instead. After that it was, Faezah, Alia, Phoebe, Ikhwan, Friends series and toffee pudding :D NICE!

That night My housemates and I plus Pho and Ikky just hung out catching up on things with the company of strawberry and fruit trifles :) Why am I not surprised that food goes wherever we go? hehe...Phoebe said "Kalau I datang London, memang la I will put on at least 2 KG!". haha...
At the same time, did some CEKU ( click click! ) work with Shahril online and ended up sleeping at 6 AM! Shahril on the other hand had to catch a train to London, so no sleep for him. No sleep for him but he was wide awake when I met him in the morning for meeting. I had to struggle to wake up for the 10 AM meeting man :)

Fazril and I left the meeting quite early since Zril had PNB meeting whilst I had some fun time waiting :) Met Phoebe and Ikhwan afterwards and we went for lunch at GBK! Burgers are TWICE as tall and as big as a BIG mac. So yeah, you imagine how we managed to fit em monsters into our stomach. Yummylicious :D Advantage in London : Easy access to good (halal) food. So you can imagine how Ikhwan felt to have those scrumptious burgers for lunch.

After lunch, we stopped at Tesco and Pho got Ikky Krispy Kreme which shockingly did not interest me at all. I got sick of it after Accenture sponsored 500 POUNDS worth of Krispy Kreme for our UKEC Agm. Nyum nyum! Accenture is super awesome :)

Picture Perfect of 4 Alia, Alyaa, Alia, Aliaa

We headed to Kensington gardens after that for a nice stroll in the park with the company of two cameras, sunnies, hot soft waffles and Ice Cream!! (More FOOD!). Let's just say it wasn't a Phoebe day last Saturday. She kept walking into things, knocked her head at the tree branches AFTER being warned and...yeah, not a phoebe day. hehe...We stopped by Msia Hall for a bit in the vening before heading home to get ourselves ready fro UCL's Malaysian Night.

Mr Superstar Jerry Imran :D

Met so many people at the Malaysian Night and I must say, the dance was superb! I loved them all :) Though I didn't really get all the jokes in the "story". hahaha... It was all good that night, happpy! We headed to Tinseltown after that cause everyone was hungry. WHOA!! Everyone must have had the same idea, no? The same set of people at UCL were at Tinseltown too. Oohh...they serve the best Milkshake ever! Sedaaaaaaap! We went home like happy kids :)

The next day, everyone was just dead! No one woke up till 12! Went to Malaysia Hall for lunch since someone was craving for nasi lemak ayam...oh dear me. So yeah, Sabby and Aisyah came to join us afterwards. Then met Shahril for a bit before heading home and at night us housemates and Kiran's boyfriend from Russia who just arrived just rested and relaxed and I was making sure I end my weekend nicely. and truly it DID!

Alia's a happy girl!


Anonymous said...

Haaa such a happy post!! :D Will come back to this post everytime I'm down after this for sure. It makes me smiley wiley all the way from your first picture to the last super gymnastic-ky jump picture. Nice!

Aaaaaand yes! I will open an all chocolate bakery (Insya-Allah) AND you'll get free deliveries! Hehe. (this must motivates you even more to be a super happy nerd!) I'll be a super mom bakery owner, you be my diplomat high achiever loyal customer. Sounds really gooooood. LOL. (ok ok stop beranganing)

Ops Kiran's calling for dinner. Thanks for hot drink Shmals!! Need to be sihat for coursework. Ah the cold.

Hoping for another great week + weekend! Xox


WOOOOOOOHOOOOO! it was it was it was! it was THE most FANTASTICKEST weekend EVERRRR! I PUN SMILEY WILEY like alee!

i tak berani ni weigh myself tauuuu! hahahaha! the scales SCARE me after this weekend of EATING and EATING and playing and then EATING somemore! scary mary okay! HAHAHAHAHA! *mmm strawberry trifle* and the milkshakes! OMMMMMMMG ALIAAAAAA. i feel so GEMUK now okay! hahahahaha. it's like drinking a cup of blended candy bars and ice cream k! ALL calories tauuuuu! mok mok mok gemok!

HAHA! i ingat lagi supposed to meet you at like, 10.30. padahal only bangun at 11.145. pas tu when we called you you asked us if we were at queensway and we said we're leaving in like 5 minutes - all the while i was still in my cupcake jammies and baru nak wash up.HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! but still, we did manage to leave in 5 minutes. my face-washing-teeth-brushing skills are very powerful. :)

adoooi. saturdaaay saturday. dah lah i SO happy in the park. aii aii aii.. maybe cause i was TOO happy. so, there just HAD to be some balance. and since the 'thing' was so, tak best. just means that the bigger picture was UBER DUPER BEST! :)

eh eh! i bangun k! to go church! i tidur lambat somemore! waiting for my stupid jeans to wash! and the washing machine just wouldn't stop! it was like.. laughing at me by spinning and spinning and going round and round for TWO HOURS sampai i sit in front of it until i tertidur there. HAHAHAHA! probably the weirdest place i've ever fallen asleep at. HAHAHAHAA!

wheeeeeeeeeeee! i haven't laughed so much in AAAAGES! ingat tak bergulingguling laughing on the grass in the park cause of the leaves and the camera yg terjatuh and we tak prasan and can still berposing posing there. HAHAHAHA! the people passing by must've thought we were WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIRD. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ooohoohoohoooo! woohooo! woooohooooo! *hyperventilate!*


sayang you my coklat celup coklat. :) xxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Heyyyyyy thats a great gymnastic 'cosack' jump u did in dat last pic...hurmmmm u've still not lost ur great gymnastic skills eh...havent seen u doing it for such a looooonnnngg time since u said goodbye to d sport. And 'Jerry Imran' ? Did u give him dat new name....not bad. Wow so fast London turned him into a mat salleh. Niway good to know that d nerd had a great smiley week end...haha

fajiL said...

haha what can i say, the squirrel liked you!! =D
or probably the waffle you were holding =P hehe

and again i must say thats the koolest jumping pic i've seen!! it kinda makes u wanna go jump around and be happy in the park! =)