Wednesday, 21 November 2007

things that keep me going strong

Shuphoe is not a big help sometimes! It's too efficient, super efficient! haha...Thus the awakened-by-Firdaus'- email early in the morning :) Thanks Firdaus! I need the wake up call anyway and motivation to study!! That's a smile to start the day! (I'm assuming some people are lost with this sentence!)
Zril did this in between HIS courseworks!

I've been burying my head in games and strategies for the past I don't know how many long continuous hours. I'm gonna puke economics soon! I need sleep!!! ....but I can't sleep. I wanna know where they got the probability of a weakly dominatd convict or to acquit? Guilty or not? I need to be a judge to answer that! Not an economist or mathematician or even a statistician. So why is it in my economics book? haha...Fazril just often tries hard to "motivate" me and this time by editing my pictures! That's the first motivation factor of it's kind :D

"And so, if you have more than one nash equilibrium and pure strategies, you are bound to be able to find the mix strategy which involves 2 constant"

Well, not that I reallly get tortured big time pun coz the subject is super interesting. I like it! It tests your mind and motivates you to be a person like John Nash! I wanna be John Nash! I wanna learn how to beat the computer in Hex....but my brain is dead tired just learning thousands of games and squeezing my tiny lil head for pure strategies or even a mixed one. I never thought I'd see a day when I actually look for probabilities and strategies of winning a complicated game in a subject. I thought games are just for you to have fun with when you're bored, no? This one, it even test your patience! hahaha...

Anyhoo...I've been talking to Shura EVERYDAY (nothing new to that though. *grins*)! and talking to Pho A LOT too lately! Especially the bestie in Mebourne. She wishes me good night before leaving for school, she wishes me good morning before she goes to sleep....Time difference is never an excuse :D Shu cheered me up big time yesterday! Thank you Shuwaaa!! and two nights ago was a night for Shu, Pho, Alia and Shuphoe. Havoc I tell you! :) I slept with a smile and woke up with a smile too! Excellent motivation! They make me happy and keep me going and keep me away from sometimes-weirdd "things" too. Don't know why they do that, don't care even! heee! (you two are so filled with my life, kan kan?! hehe...)

Laaffff my Shurafazlinashukor and Phoebetingsuyuin!
You'd be sursprise to see how Shu has that power to make me happy and motivated:D


Anonymous said...

Cute photo n who painted the jeans green?....looks cute tho !!

fajiL said...

yay i'm proud to be the first! =D

even though my editing is very amateur-ish, as long as u like it i'm happy hehe!

Alia Ishak said...

Anonym : Fazril, the person who commented after you was the one who took the picture and edited it in my favourite colour!

Zril: Eh, see I'm replying! Cannot merajuk with me already! hahaha..
ANyway, thanks for the motivation and accompanying me do work, well...ermm..that's just coz you have your courseworks due also la kan. Lucky me there's Shura! You is happy I like it, Yes I is happy :) More pictures this weekend!