Monday, 26 May 2008

Life is a routine

Since exams started or a bit before that, things and my everyday have been a routine.
A programmed life I am leading.
A set of planned activities I wake up to.
Doing the same things I did yesterday, two days before, three weeks before...
Doing the same things that I will again do tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, in a week's time...

Every morning the alarm goes off, and I start my day off with a semi cold shower to make myself wake up and feel fresh, then I'll have my breakfast, text Alex and Hana to wake up and head to the Uni library to meet them afterwards by 8.30 or 9. The rest will usually join by afternoon, whilst Josh, Oliver and Faiza would come only when the rest are leaving for home. They're nocturnals! HAHAHA! :)

Anyway, a short break at Med Bar or The Curve ( all in Uni ) for lunch and then it's back to revising. It's been tough and tiring, but it's all not too bad, bearable. I haven't seen much of my housemates to be honest. Each one of us, busy with our revision and exams and all the stress and pressure, and even if all of us are at home, none would come out from their respective rooms except a short visit to the kitchen. heee!

Usually, it's 9 am till about 4.30pm in Uni and afterwards I will come home to pray, shower for the second time whilst I wait for Asar prayers to begin and after Asar head back to Uni by 5.15. By this time, most of them Brits, would be preparing to head home apart from those who stays near and/or without a family to go back to. I usually stay, since I can get easy access to the reference books in the library and Alex and Hana would do the same. This is when, Oliver, Josh and Faiza comes along to join us for a night study group session. By 10.30 we'll pack up and head seperate ways back home.

Scruffle for dinner, shower for the third time, pray and then on the comp I go and wait for Mum to come online. Then the webcammie time with Po, a bit more of revision ( but by this time sometimes it's just really slow ), wait for Subuh and then head to bed...nowadays, more often than not, it is "head to the couch". That's where I've been sleeping and it's when the birds have come out and the moon is overshadowed by the clear blue bright sky. Thus, I go to sleep wishing everyone Good Morning instead of good night :) hehe!

...the next thing i know...The alarm goes off again about 4 hours later...and again I repeat the same ol routine. It's been tough, tiring and all that jazz. But...I'm all up for it and every day I push myself and look forward to it. Really. 3 more days to go. I can do this! :)


Anonymous said...

I'll crown you the most hardworking princess of Flat 3 =P. You can do it! Fightinggggggggggggggggggggggggggg!

*You seriously do NOT know how many youtube videos have I and Kiran have watched at home. I wish I am as determined as you. Aiyoh! Ok bookoos*


HEHE. and so the blog post has surfaced. :) we're almost there baby! almost there! xxx

Anonymous said...

Dont worry 2 more days n the mundane but 'stressful' routine will over for a few months. Think of the adventurous activities that await!! At least that'll motivate u to finish that last paper with a bang. Hopefully a positive bang!!!! A bit more to the finishing line k....

Alia Ishak said...

Alee : Yay! I'm a princess :) Ice princess I shall be! haha! It's ok babe, we both have only just one more paper to go! We can do this :) Wee hoo!

Phoebs : You're finishing in countable hours away babe! You're finishing sooooooon!

Petunia : Thanks for the encouragement! :)