Oh well, it's all good! :D
Woke up early to clear some lil things in my room, packed them up, zip it up and ready to be dragged all the way to Arsenal where I will be staying for a month and a half before I fly back to Malaysia. Yes, it's gonna be me, Aisyah and Affin in a HUMUNGOUS gorgeous apartment, situated at Arsenal, where the stadium is as well with three beautiful rooms and an amazing living room. All rooms and living fitted with a flat screen samsung don't-know-how-many-inches-but-it's REALLY-BIG flat screens mounted onto the wall. Superb babe! I'm in love with the apartment. Let's just hope and pray I don't start watching too many Arsenal games and become a hard core fan. NEVER. Pffft. If I ever become one, just because the place I'm living in is a neighbour to the stadium, I'm a total idiot :P Slap me please you Man U ppl. Thanks.
Came back home afterwards and I started doing some spring cleaning before I felt faint 3 hours later. Quickly got everything done, and off to dreamland I went whilst the rerun for Britains got talent played. Napping without having to set an alarm to wake up is so best la. I think I can really get used to all this tido lambat, bangun awal, nap bile bile nak routine tau. Bye bye banking, hello dreamland :D
Well well well, I woke up, grabbed some cereal since my mouth felt like binging ( yes, my mouth NEVER stops! ) and I took my own sweet time just getting ready to go over to Yan's for some Haris time! Haris is so super handsome now, and so petah. I can't quite make out what he says, but I know he loves talking! Such a sucker for girls he is. hehe...So whilst waiting for Dr Adli to come home from work, we were thinking of movies. Initially, Shasa and I were thinking of watching Angels and Demons. Yan on the other hand was thingking Coraline 3D version, WITH lil Haris with us, which I thought would be so interesting too. But you know what we ended up with in the end?
Nope, not Star Trek. Instead, we watched, "Pizzas, Sushis, Baskins and many more fatty" :) it was 2 BIG BOXES of Pizza, BAGS of SUSHI and SASHIMI BOXES, and afterwards, the Azams came with TUBS and TUBS of BASKIN ROBIN ice creams. Dapppp! Tembam la jangan tak tembam :P Yes, you figured right if you said we ended up being couch potatoes with the TV watching us :) Excellent! hahaha. All 8 of us just stayed home and "played" lazy. When will we ever let something else win over food? Adli made me eat eel sushi, and oh dear me, kulit ikan tu licin giler please. Seriously. Macam it wax-ed it's body clean! It was not bad though, quite yummy, but I needed to eat that with the rice.
All in all, it was a really fun night. As always!
As for the next 10 upcoming days, I'm off to Ireland tomorrow to abang's place, before we head over to France for a camping ( Luxurious style! haha! ) trip. With Atuk and Awe too! and the lil princesses nieces of mine, Raja Erin Sofea and Raja Erin Reana. Let's hope they won't run around too much and make their own way to Disneyland k. Penat Aunty Alia nak kejar korang nanti. I'll be back in London and my plans after that are also those I look forward too! Very much. Dance classes and a lot of Haris time :):)
Till then, please la you tube Diversity korang yg belum tengok. Click here. They are AWHHSOME. Plus, did I mention, the leader of the group, Ashley is a second year Physics whiz kid in my Uni. Yes! Now that's QUEEN MARY HAS TALENT. and to think that I take one physics module....DAMN! :)
I hope we will end up going to dance classes rather than couch potato's!! Been fun today.. And have fun holiday-ing :D
Dancing it is :) No chocolates for you I see. I support but I won't follow k. I'll die without chocolates. hehe...
Happy working!! I'll be back in London town next week :)
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