Wednesday, 10 June 2009

What's the letter that comes after 'U'? Ok, now say it TWICE.

Today baby Re came to wake me up with her "Aunty A-ya (Alia), wake uppp!" and I thought of blogging about my amazing camping trip in France with Abang and Kak Azura, Sofi, Reana, Atok and Awe, when I realized this in the draft page.... Something I was going to post up but final exams got in the way. Big obstruction! So, I've decided to blog about France later la. It just has to wait. Later in the evening when I wait for Abang to come home from work and Sofi to come back from school. So I'm making way for the draft now :)
P, Q, R, S, T, U ... V. "VV", Vivy Sofinas Yusof.
I might not know her all that well, inside and out, but ENOUGH to make out that she is this amazing girl who is so very true with her intentions and doings. Once upon a day, I used to tell Shura that there's this girl in London who reminded me a bit about her and how this girl in London has a best friend in Melbourne. Just like Shura and I. Maybe that's why subconsciously, I pictured something similar.

When I introduced both to each other....turned out that they used to be best friends in standard one! and so much for saying they remind me of each other, teachers in school used to think that they look alike during those lil-girls day too. From then onwards, they became facebook buddies, and all because I thought they look alike once upon a day. Hooray for finding long lost best friends! :)

...and last week, she did just that.
I could just blab and spill to her like I've known her for-oh-such-a-long-time-already, whilst she shows her genuine happiness for whatever I got or my well being ; genuinely happier than those I'm even closer with at times, making me feel that "it is a good thing afterall!".
She gives me her true opinions and thoughts like what I think one would do for a close friend and clearly, someone I have come to feel comfortable with when I need to get some stress out of my head and ask for opinions. She doesn't do any of those I'll-say-this-just-to-make-you-feel-better or you-do-the-thinking-whilst-I'll-just-agree-with-it. She puts herself in your same size shoes. She proper gives you back a 100 lines worth of honest view.... when I asked a 20 liner :P hehe. K, that's an exaggeration!

But you get the picture.

For now, I've sketched that future path ahead of me, freaking-long-updated-messaged Vivy about my decision and I'll just travel along with it, sketching the bridge when I need it. Along the way....I will dream of Harvard! HAHA! Yeah right! A very far fetched dream but thanks for the idea Vee! and yes, cupcakes celebration after exams. I'm running like a headless chicken now trying to make full use of what is left of Uni.

...and to think, I knew about her on my flight back from Malaysia, in the plane where I sat next to her other half in my first year, Fadza. Him who never came to an agreement with me about "what is zero divided by zero". Vivy got tired of us debating, she concluded that engineers and mathematicians need help.

So this is one of the girl who fits in the Alia-Shura-Vivy-Ajjie cycle :) Thanks Vee.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

omg i wanna cry....*big hugssss*