Sunday, 23 August 2009

I wished I was a Doctor

Ain and Juai

Hospitals and I, we've been having good chemistry lately. The past two weeks I've been a nomad staying between home and hospital. Sungai Buloh hospital. A little drained, mentally, I keep falling asleep at odd times. I even fell asleep on Juai's bed whilst waiting for her to finish praying earlier.

Today, I got out of Sungai Buloh hospital for a bit and checked out the Putrajaya hospital. This time to accompany kakakku and check out Juai's back ache. It's been hurting and limiting her movements for almost a week already and it's such a torture seeing her move. Well, it really looks painful to me, but doesn't sound so traumatising when you listen to what the other brothers do though. haha!

What with Alif saying it's appendix and telling Umi to send Juai straight to the hospital and Aizat being the only gentler supporter rubbing her back to calm her sickness last night and then Amir and Anas giving her semangat to just let go and let all out, all that Amar has cooked for them, like as if they're watching Rooney shoot a goal. haha! That's what you get when you're the only girl amongst the 6 siblings!

Well, Putrajaya hospital wasn't that bad either. It's pretty nice and decent! Though not many Doctors, we had a personal treatment from Dr Azrin aka Ain, Juai's close friend. Gosh, hospitals didn't look all that scary anymore when your close friend is a doctor and she is the one treating you. You can even cancel that blood test you're scared of halfway! Dr Ain won't even force you. Such a sweetheart she is :) Juai's X-Ray didn't seem to show anything that might hurt her back, so let's just wait for the blood and urine test. It might just be a a urinary tract infection (UTI), a bacterial infection that infects the bladder. Nothing serious, and quite common for women apparently. Probably just a cystitis maybe, but then again, I'm not a Doctor. I'm just guessing.


So another class of Medical Doctor 101 with Dr Azrin today and hoping that Juai's results are favourable and to a speedy recovery, InsyaAllah. Back to Sungai Buloh Hospital for me, with Aizat's voice singing "sususilangkata" in my head. Very catchy, I'm quite excited to wait for his new album to come out!

Well, you didn't respond much today Zwan...again. Haih... But you could lift up your right side already though!!! And you opened your eyes so wide when Ustaz read you some verses, though you didn't focus. and you tapped your leg quite strongly, pretty sure you're all ready to play football la ni, especially after I updated you about Man U's 5-0 win last night!! hehe. You're doing very very well, and keep on staying strong k :) Love you much and will continue praying for you, yes I won't stop!

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