Thursday, 20 August 2009

A moment like this

Kelly Clarkson, someone you love listening to so much, someone I listen to singing your favourite songs when I make my way to the hospital and I thought that one of her song title was suitable for a moment like today

It's true when they say that love is blind. When you love someone, you don't mind anything they do, and everything seems right, even if it means contracting their germs. Well sayang, good thing I love you coz you sure did spread germs to me today, and I am VERY SURE OF THAT, no doubt.

You were amazing today!! and you really made me smile :) I went in and Mummy told you "Azwan, Alia is here" and you turned your head towards me, though not fully but probably a good 60 degrees and I was so excited I started talking to you. Your eyes are half open but I think you can focus a bit today as your eye balls followed me when I changed side from standing on your left to standing on your right. I was soooooo happpppyyyyyy!!!!

Well, one thing's for sure, you are still the cheeky lil Azu that you are because you know what you did? I was busy telling you a story and YOU SNEEZED IN MY FACE!!!! Pfffttt....haha! good thing I love you, so I didn't mind your germs :):) Not a wee bit did I mind at all. I replied "Alhamdulillah" to your sneeze for you :) Then, it became even better because you squeezed my hand so tight and when I salawat and mengucap in your ears whilst telling you that you're a strong boy and doing really well, and also told you to be a good boy for the Doctors, YOU NODDED with a "Hmmmm"! :):) You understood and you listened!!!! I love you for being so strong!

So I continued telling you bout my day and Farrah's message and you pushed your hands towards my face trying to pull my mask out. But Doctors have tied you back to the bed, so your movements were limited that you let go afterwards. I know you want to see a familiar face, but I can't risk spreading my germs to you, so I had to keep my mask on. As it is, you sneezed in my face earlier ok and you expect me to open my mask? hehe...Cannot la. So I pulled your hands down. You're such a good boy, still the same Azwan who never disobey :)
Though you did not want to let go of my hands again when I had to leave... Adoi...

and your eyes! They seem to be focusing a bit more today :) When I was leaving, I sanitized my hands ( and yes, we sanitized yours too, since all your visitors seem to be touching you ) by your bed side, and your eye balls followed my movements, and as I walked pass you again to leave and I waved good bye to you, your eyes moved and followed though it was only half open. It's still an achievement and you're so ambitious! So strong. Why don't you just get some rest since you've done so very well already so far today. Let your brain have some rest and your infected right lung to rest too, then you can heal faster :) Kalau you excited sangat nanti your brain pun penat, lagi lambat keluar ICU. Be the good boy that you are k. You're doing very well Zwan! You are, Alhamdulillah.

p/s : I was just so excited with your responds today, I didn't even look at the monitor! haha! But Dr Azmin acknowledged your effort and positive progress yang. Keep it up :) and oh, since Doctors have shaved off all your hair, Papa did the same to his too. Close. Just to look like his only son! hehe...and you still look handsome btw eventhough I know how much you love your hair, it'll grow again and we shall style it again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dear alia,
i am happy for patient..he's progressing very well..the good news is on its way..take care=)