Friday, 21 August 2009


You're off the Ventimask COMPLETELY sayang! :) You're breathing on your own now. Well done my dear! You didn't even need the 1 litre ventimask at all, and went straight to being independent.

But, I think you must be really tired from the effort you put in to breathe on your own and the shiftings. Sigh... You looked weak and you were less responsive today. From morning... till malam. At first I thought, maybe because you yourself, you're a boy who naps in the afternoon. Or so I thought... I was more hopeful after lunch when Abang Raf dropped me off at the hospital coz he was going to see Tok Ayah off at home. But to no avail. You were hit by a fever too and the tremor...

I'm not losing hope. Never. I know you're tired, hence the very little movement. Mummy and Papa looked tense themselves today. But as I was leaving and I told you I was coming back, you picked up your right hand, and gave the thumbs up, and you did a little goodbye wave :) That made me smile :) Nonetheless, remind me to tell you in person what you did today when you wake up k? Sigh...
I'm praying for the best and I will continue to do so. It's the start of Ramadhan now, I believe it's the best time for our prayers to be answered, InsyaAllah. Keep on fighting k sayang. You're a super fighter!


Anonymous said...

dear alia,
good to hear that your cousin is breathing on his own ready..yup, ramadhan is here and this is the best time to continue your effort..nway, happy fasting dear..take care

Anonymous said...

dear blogger,

ive been reading your blog and especially on your recent post about your cousin which at first i thought was your boyfriend. am wishing for him to get better asap, but i find it strange about the 'bond' between u and him. too romantic and i think it is awkward/weird if u're both not an 'item'.
Hows your bf and his gf think about it?

Alia Ishak said...

Well, it's not awkward neither is it weird if he seems to me like my little brother and we are the closest cousins after all since small. Our fathers are brothers and our mothers are sisters. So, you could already conclude that we have the same blood running in our bodies. I don't find it weird if a sister loves her brother and vice versa very much, do you? Don't you love your siblings that much? and what more when your sibling is lying there on the hospital bed with a GCS of 10, intubated and battling his unconsciousness. Infinite support and prayers is all he needs at this moment.

Our bf/gf now and before are perfectly fine with it and all are aware about our 'bond' and in fact they'll all end up being really close to us. So yeah, just a word of advise never judge a person before you actually know them. I'm just guessing that I've never met you before or not a close friend as most of my friends know about Azwan being my closest cousin and so does all his friends know bout me being his closest cousin.

Nonetheless, thank you for your well wishes.

Anonymous said...

to anon 22 August 2009 03:13,

It is very insensitive of u not to feel d emotional trauma dat d blogger is going thru after having almost lost her most closest cousin dat she so dearly loved. Till now its not even certain as to when he will be able to come out from his coma. And to insinuate that they're an 'item' makes u sound so pathetic! Cousins r blood related, bfs n gfs r not. See d difference?

Anonymous said...

(to anon for comment no.5)
cousin are blood related but as muslim they can get married fyi.
(to writer)
crossing my fingers for your dear cousin to be back on his feet asap.

-just dropping by-

Anonymous said...

to 'jus dropping by'..i m the anon who made comment no.5. Fyi i m a God fearing muslim who is well aware of what is n what is not permissible under Islam tho i dont profess to be a perfect muslim. So dont preach to me! but i fail to understnd the conclusion u derived after having read all the blogger's postings on azwan that they might be 'an item'. Suffice for me to say that u probably never know the meaning of 'a closely knit' fmly. Thus i feel sorry for u. Now if the blogger had made no mention that the person she's referring to in her postings is a cousin but that it had been her brother or father....wldnt it be foolish to conclude that they're 'an item' ?

God fearing muslim