Monday, 24 August 2009

To be a Doctor - A bit far fetched a dream, at least for me

Mama, daddy, abang and I were in the lift and I was conversing with excitement with Daddy bout medical terms and explaining Juai's back condition until...

" I don't know what it is but it might be sees-tee-tees I think "
" Huh? ape? "
" Sees-tee-tees"
" Sees-tie-tees la "

" Cheh. Ala... You Doctor betul. I Doctor main main je. Not fair ", and daddy, mama and abang laughed. I'm pretty sure inside they were thinking "My poor child. Such a Doctor wannabe"

oooppps... Hahaha!

I have a looooong way more to go. No wonder a Medical related Degree takes 5 whole years! This is what 2 weeks of Medical-Doctor lesson produce. A useless Doctor like me. haha! :)

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