Afi and I just smiled and laughed, thinking "This is so cool!"
Well today, I was a little sleepy when I came early in the morning, all bundled up in my pyjamas top paired with a jeans, drove in the rain and walked in the rain even. Such a gloomy morning. Didn't help that I was expecting a gloomy start in the ward too as I received a message at 4am from Lin telling me bout your catheter that got unhooked. OUCH was my first reaction when I was awaken by the sound of my phone. I was quite tired that when the nurse told me to get a towel, I got a blanket instead. hehe... Nasib baik kakak tu cool!
Adoi, Azwan sayang, how did it come off? I know it's uncomfortable, but pulling it out, has made it even worse. You were bleeding profusely :( You were losing too much blood, and you cannot afford that anymore. You're going pale everyday. When I heard bout your catheter, I could just feel the pain, it hit me like as if the catheter were pulled out from MY OWN bladder instead. To those who don't know, a catheter is a tube that helps with urination. It goes through one's private part and straight into the bladder where urine will be extracted directly and immediately without having the need for one to put in effort to pee.
Anyway, when I got to your room ,first thing we did was wake you up to shower you. You showered in the shower today!!!! What a superb progress :) Afi, Mummy and I helped you out before Lin and I set up your bed and one of the medical assistant took over my place. Then afterwards, the Doctor came in to inspect your urine bag that was just filled with blood due to the earlier incident with the catheter. and because of that, we were taught another method to use to help you urinate and that was the condom way. It's not better than the catheter in your case as you have an infection, but as you are now restless and active, it's a more comfortable method to extract and dispose urine. Blood still kept flowing though...
Well, apart from that mishap, you are doing very well, no doubt!! Once today you wrote my name again and many times you hugged me and sat up and lean against me :) So much so that mummy said "Ala...tulis la nama mummy also" and "Eh, you sayang Alia more than mummy eh? You don't want to give mummy a hug too? Jealous la...". hahaha! Mummy ni so comel also. I miss spending time with you cuzzie wuzzie! One of these days when you are well and active and can run around, that's when I'll take you around the ward and we can play FOOTball, instead of the normal throw-with-your-hand ball k! I can't wait for that :)
One thing's for sure, everyday at the hospital, is a new day for me. Everyday the Doctors are teaching me something new to be practiced on you. Everyday I ask the Doctors different questions and I get many answers. I am actually starting to love it learning with the Doctors, though I think I might be at the peak of my fatigue level. I keep falling asleep at every odd chance I have after my shift, but it's all more than worth it seeing your positive progress. Keep on fighting k!!! We all love you very much Zwan :)
which hospital is your cousin at? hope it's a private hospital since u're there most of the time. u know how uncomfortable gov hosp can be for visitors.
Zwan dah bangun ke??? And ouch the catheter!? Whyyyy???!! OMG! Haiih boys....hehe
You sound like you need a lot of rest Alia. Take care of yourself, will ya?
Anonymous : IT IS a government Hospital, and honestly, it's not all that bad at all :) The Doctors and staffs are amazing and helpful. My cousin's warded in the new Sungai Buloh Hospital. A very nice hospital too!
Yan and Adli : Dah boleh bangun dah! :) Alhamdulillah. And catheter tu, coz tak realize that he moved away, tertarik keluar :(:( *OUCH!*. He was using the condom semalm, but today the Doctors have managed to put him back on the catheter, but a smaller tube.
Thank you for your concern my dearest kakak :):) I so love you for always reminding me these always. I loveeeee you! I will InsyaAllah I'm doing ok. I do have super power naps in between shifts :):)
Super power nap? hehe.. i think thats cool..
ala ala tido nak tunggu subuh masuk in 5 minutes mase we slept over at Yan's. Cam tu la
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